
Phantasmic Links 10.6.08

I'm trying to figure out why I'm exhausted after a simple twenty minute parade. It was an easy gig, walking in a straight line and playing maybe 10 songs. I got up at 8:30, was out the door by 9:30 with my dad and met Bill the trumpet player around 10:00. From there, three highways, a bridge, and a little over an hour led us to the starting point in Staten Island. We played a few songs near a breakfast ceremony in a school before moving to the assembly point and waiting to begin. The parade was supposed to start at 1, but didn't until the Mayor arrived closer to 1:30. From there, it was a simple procession, and we walked the route in reverse when we were finished. In true MCF fashion, as I crossed a highway alongside the parade a cop decided to stop the parade and let traffic through, and I was trapped in the middle of the road as cars whizzed past. At least her look of horror when she turned around and noticed the musicians she nearly got killed proved it wasn't intentional. We got our friend Bill home by a little after 4, and got back to our house a little before 5. Yes, it was a simple 20 minute parade that had me out of the house for a good 8 hours, and I don't know why I'm exhausted. Time is weird.

Here are this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

(1) Click Myclofigia and get our city to #1! You know you want to.

(2) Name That Movie Villain
Hat Tip: Darrell.

(3) Google™ turns 10 and resurrects their 2001 browser. I found some friends, but I was nonexistent back then, in any of my identities, which is strange because I know I was online in 2001. I guess I was a lot more mysterious then.
H.T.: Coffee Sister.

(4) By the way, Google™ is a lot like your office...but much, much better.

(5) Here are some chilling photographs of Chernobyl, the ultimate ghost town.

(6) A domino display quickly builds to a 3D artistic masterpiece.

(7) Blox blocks stains before they happen! Unbelievable!
H.T.: B13.

(8) Bite Fight! Werewolves vs. Vampires! Fang-tastic!
H.T.: The Unseen One.

(9) Man Punches Shark to Save Dog. As someone who once grabbed a neighborhood cat by its tail and shook it until the mouse it was tormenting fell from its mouth and ran to safety, I can totally relate.
H.T.: Darrell.

(10) Check out this awesome early Incredibles concept art!

(11) This is why those social network things wouldn't work in real life.

(12) Create your own superhero at Marvel Kids:

H.T.: Sean.

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Blogger b13 said...

I was on Google back then under both beonder and my real name.

Chernobyl reminds me a lot of Centralia...but with radiation.

Awesome dominoes.

And Incredible... um... Incredibles art.


You need to pass along "Outbreak" ;)

10/06/2008 1:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gig, lol

10/06/2008 9:16 AM  
Blogger cube said...

Thanks for the links.

I posted my superhero at The BLOG. It certainly looks different from the one you generated for me a long time ago.

I do miss the cube logo and the cat mascot yours had.

10/08/2008 12:30 PM  

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