
Phantasmic Links 10.13.08


This week's PHANTASMIC LINKS falls on a special day, the anniversary of my first post here at the Nexus. And so, we kick off a three-day celebration with more links than ever, as well as a unique contribution from you my loyal readers and fans. I asked you to think up some unique super powers, and here's what your creative minds came up with:

B13: “How about the power of common sense? With a fish-eye glance you can get anyone around you to immediately have more sense than a doorknob.”

Wendy: “And the superpower that I'd like to have is the ability to instantaneously compute calculations in my head. Try drawing that one ;)”

Darrell: “A while back we were discussing our ‘dream super powers' with the kids ... and my stepson Liam said that his dream super power would be the ability to ‘fly and shoot lasers out of my butt.'

I can't top that.”

Well, that's something of a challenge. In a week or so, I'm going to pick up a pencil and actually try to draw these bloggers wielding the powers they describe. I was originally going to have readers vote for one favorite, which you can still do if so inclined, but since there were only three submissions I may tackle all of them. I have a pretty good image in my mind of what this will look like too, though I don't know how well that will translate to the page. Still, anything that forces me to dust off my mind's eye is a good thing.

And now, on to our supersized linkfest:

(1) Click Myclofigia and get our city to #1! I still want to be #1, but I think after this week I might move this link out of the weekly post and into a home on my sidebar. It's as good a time as any to do so.

(2) Click Murphy to generate a random slogan with a random HORRIBLE thing! Somewhat NWS, but darn funny.
Hat Tip: Wendy:.

(3) STOP! hammer time!
H.T.: Darrell.

(4) In Shrink, use your arrow keys to do just what the names says: shrink the box. Just be careful not to let the various other shapes collide with any moving walls, or you'll have to start all over again.

(5) Wario vs. YouTube. Guess who wins?
H.T.: Darrell.

(6) What happens when Toy Story 2 meets The Dark Knight?
H.T. Sean.

(7) As someone who has fallen asleep watching a DVD many times, I can honestly say that site captures the experience perfectly.

(8) Take Me On....literal version. I personally like the line, “Everything's drawn and super-'80s”...awesome.

(9) Not for the faint of heart, this may well be the dirtiest house ever. And I thought my room was bad....
H.T.: Darrell.

(10) Dreading the Winter months and the inevitable cold? Maybe you need a Snuggie Blanket. That's so much better than my tactic of wearing five or six shirts to bed....

(11) Project 10 to the 100th is looking for your ideas to help improve the world.
H.T.: B13.

(12) This guy, like, makes some good points, like you know?
H.T.: Rey.

(13) If we ever mess up this Earth irreparably, maybe we should like, look for a backup?

(14) Twin sisters play in traffic, with a shocking outcome.
H.T.: B13.

(15) The Statue of Liberty gets an American makeover. I'll probably see her in the gym once she sees this...

(16) What do you think of the 5 Most Underrated Simpsons Characters? Aw come on, tell ol' MCF....

(17) Frozen Superhero Found in DVD Deleted Scene.

(18) Spidey faces a city full of symbiotes in the upcoming Web of Shadows game.

(19) Music Euphoria may cause seizures, but you'll enjoy the melodies as you use your mouse to turn as many spheres into stars as possible.

(20) Finally, Curt gets messages from God in a video he wrote and stars in. But does he listen?

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!

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Blogger Darrell said...

That website with the made-over Statue of Liberty? Be careful about clicking the "next" button too many times. Everything was going along fine ... and then this happened.

10/13/2008 12:43 AM  

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