

anathematize • \uh-NATH-uh-muh-tyze\ • verb
: curse, denounce

Earlier this month, Lorna focused on this word, followed by a list of things she would curse, denounce, or just plain dislike. Now, you can anathematize the theft of a great idea as much as you want, but I'm still going to do it. Here's my list:

[1] Reality Television.

[2] People in SUVs who tailgate during my evening commute and blind me because their brights are on and at just the right height to white out my rearview mirror. I often have to hold one hand up to shield my eyes until we get to the bottom of a hill where a one lane road becomes two and I can slow down so they pass me.

[3] The nagging feeling that there's something I'm forgetting.

[4] Broccoli.

[5] Girls who make a face like you've offered them broccoli when asked out.

[6] Hillary Clinton

[7] Bill Clinton

[8] Badminton.

[9] Martha Plimpton.

[10] Traffic.

[11] Vandalous disrespectful skater punks.

[12] The nagging feeling that I've missed out on some things in life.

[13] Good writers who abandon their blogs, notably but not limited to Curt, Jerry, Kelly, Wendy, and The Incredible Hulk.

[14] My increasing “Dunlap”. I need to start doing some crunches...

[15] Death.

[16] Taxes.

[17] People who cheat and continually survive and prosper by doing so.

[18] The fact that there's never enough time to see and do everything.

[19] Intense cold.

[20] Extreme heat.

[21] Encountering insects indoors or while driving.

[22] The drunk guy with a beer in a paper bag who insisted on sitting next to me when there were plenty of other seats on the train.

[23] The sound of my own voice.

[24] Talking on the telephone.

[25] Terrorists.

[26] Liars.

[27] Atheists.

[28] People who trust or believe the Clintons.

[29] Infinite loops.

[30] Fruit Loops.

[31] My inability to dunk hoops. Stupid genetic lack of height...

[32] Al Sharpton.

[33] The End of Spider-Man's Marriage.

[34] Chris Crocker.

[35] Betty Crocker. (See #14)

[36] Most seafood.

[37] The cost of gasoline.

[38] The price of fame.

[39] The growing realization that the sinners are much more fun...

[40] Change for the worse or for the sake of change.

[41] People who wait for your parking space directly behind your car, so you can't back out.

[42] People in general, outside of my friends and family.

[43] Restructuring, Redundancy, Downsizing, and other synonyms companies use to avoid the word “fired”.

[44] Guest speakers after a mass. It’s not that I ever disagree with a fundraising effort, encouragement for parents to send kids to a Catholic school, or any other topic that might come up. I’d just be more receptive before mass because there’s nothing worse than thinking you’re free after an hour only to be told to have a seat. It feels like being asked to stay after class.

[45] My mostly self-imposed limitations.

[46] The writer’s strike. Pay them so I can get back to wasting my life with television shows!

[47] Dry skin in Winter. I feel like Sandpaper Man.

[48] Lack of Willpower.

[49] The Dreaded Blank Page, daunting to writers and artists alike.

[50] Pointless lists.


Blogger b13 said...

Spot on my brutha'! Spot on!

1/27/2008 1:18 AM  
Blogger b13 said...

Oh, except for that driving thing...

That little lever on the mirror... flick it!

And the thin peddle on the right of the thick peddle... press it.


1/27/2008 1:21 AM  
Blogger Lorna said...

Yikes! you've anathemetized me; #s 11, 28 and 50.

1/27/2008 4:51 AM  
Blogger MCF said...

B13: In a 30MPH residential area with several known hiding spots for police, if anything I should be pressing the thick peddle with extreme spite. I'll try that little button though, although it won't help with the side mirrors. I feel like I'm in Close Encounters some nights. At least the days are getting longer so I won't be driving home in the dark much longer.

Lorna: #11 LOL, sorry I didn't know. #28...no apologies.

1/27/2008 10:08 AM  
Blogger kevbayer said...

Fun! I might have a try.
Here's some responses:
2) Re-aim your rearview mirror so it reflects it directly back at the offending driver. Works like a charm!
35) Me too, man. I feel your pain.
41) If you're not in any hurry. Turn off the car, get out, and go back into the store or wherever.
47) Me too!

1/27/2008 2:39 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

I'm sorry. I'm just not a writer, and I'm never inspired to write.

Oh, yeah and I hate people and the sound of my voice too.

1/27/2008 7:29 PM  
Blogger Lyndon said...

I was beginning to feel very lonely, but thankfully after your post, I found out that I'm not the only person who feels that way about reality television. Gawd I hate it with a passion!!

Wow I almost made the list at number 13. Well if I was good writer that is :-)

1/27/2008 9:28 PM  
Blogger SPM said...

Stealing this for Rocketship.

1/29/2008 12:46 AM  
Blogger SPM said...

BTW, I'm kinda screwed with you on #27 aren't I?

I love broccoli and the sound of my own voice.

1/29/2008 12:49 AM  
Blogger MCF said...

Eh, if you're wrong about #27 then it's not me you have to worry about. If I'm wrong, none of us will ever know.

And in less than 10 days, about 4, I think there's another number on the list that may apply to you...

1/29/2008 6:46 PM  

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