Nappy Thoughts
Twice now this week I've fallen into old habits. On both Wednesday and Thursday, I dozed off after work. Wednesday I slept for about twenty minutes before my dad woke me up for dinner. I was groggy and disoriented at first, but once I woke up I felt like I had more energy, like the nap had been a gateway to a brand new day. On Thursday however, I fell asleep after dinner, and had some internal mechanism not brought me back to consciousness, reminding me I had to finish watching a movie and get some writing done, I may have been out for more than two hours. As it is, while the twenty minute nap the day before proved refreshing, passing out for two hours turned my brain to mud. I'm struggling to write something cohesive and coming up blank.
So, Thursday wasn't terribly exciting nor do I have anything major to report. I'm just going to throw down some random thoughts from throughout the day before going back to sleep:
Why am I always so tired in the morning?
Ten minutes. I just need to leave ten minutes earlier. Why is it that when I wake up ten minutes earlier, I end up taking an extra ten minutes to eat breakfast or take a shower or play a video game?
Oh, I hope this artist's rendering of the Cloverfield monster is just fan art. I've made it almost seven months without spoilers...
Hello, random attractive girl standing in line in front of me at the pizza place. In a parallel universe, I'd probably be striking up a conversation with you instead of staring like some quiet psychotic.
Damn, that post was removed from the thread where I saw it. I bet that was the creature design. That thing looked sick. I kind of hope that's it now....
I hope this snow turns into rain and doesn't stick...
How is Scientology not bad ‘50s science fiction?: ”These included memories of being ‘deceived into a love affair with a robot decked out as a beautiful blond-haired girl,' being run over by a Martian bishop driving a steamroller which transformed him into an intergalactic walrus that perished after falling out of a flying saucer, after which he was ‘a very happy being who strayed to the planet Nostra 23,064,000,000 years ago.'”
These Swedish meatballs are awesome!
Wait, Earth Girls Are Easy was a musical? Why did I rent this?
These people were so young back then. I guess this has value as an ‘80s nostalgia piec--
--huh? What time is it? I better finish watching this movie.
I really need to write something. First, I'll play through my daily round of Twilight Heroes.
What am I going to write about? Hey, it's almost time for another rerun of Scrubs! Yesterday they showed the finale to season five, so they should be up to last season now. Those super-sized 45 minute episodes really get mutilated in the editing process though. I wish they had been one hour episodes so they broke into two neat half hours. I'm definitely getting only half of the jokes here. A Floating Head Doctor bit without the body? Inconceivable!
OK, they've skipped season six and gone back to the pilot in rotation. It's one of the best first episodes of any television series, but I really don't need to waste time and watch it again.
Wow, that's a great episode. They really knew who those characters were and where they were heading right from the start.
I can not do another meme, and a post about a nap will bore people to tears. What the heck am I going to write about? Coming up with stuff to say on a daily basis is getting hard!
Ah, so Ethan Haas had nothing to do with Cloverfield after all, simply a viral for a game that also released on 1.18.08. You win this round, internet.
Yeah, I think it was definitely better when I got a boost of energy after work by exercising.
Dude! Naps rock!
If I get up between 5:30 and 6am on school mornings to get my kid off to school, then work 2nd shift until 11pm - I'm needin' a nap around 8:30am or around 2:30pm.
If I can sleep in until 7am or a little later, I'm good to go.
That Ethan Haas junk is pissing me off... "Stop sending me emails Ethan Haaaaaaaas!"
Fifteen minute naps do energize you. Anything over that will mak you feel sluggish. "Thank you Mexico for the siesta!"
And no, you cant take 15 one minute naps... it doesn't work that way.
"Why am I always so tired in the morning?"... uh... five hours of sleep...
My sleeping patterns are SO erratic, and I go through phases wherein I cannot keep my eyes open at around 3PM. It's horrible! I think that mentally I just hate that time of day and want to skip it or something. I wish I could get that sleepy at night.
When I was young and had a job and family to care for, I thought sleeping in the daytime was a sinful waste of time; now that I have relatively few responsibilities, I find naps to be delicious. Sad and obvious irony there.
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