
Quintessential Random

To clarify a recent inquiry from Lorna: 47 is the ”quintessential random number” while 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Rick Berman once quipped that 47 was “...42, corrected for inflation". In any case, when someone sent me 47 random questions this week, it was a number I couldn't ignore:

1) What was the highlight of your week?
I met some friends from my old job for lunch.

2) Whose car were you in last?
B13's wife's truck.

3) When was the last time you kissed someone?
If a cat nuzzling my chin so I'd wake up and get him food counts, then my answer would be Monday morning. Otherwise, it's been a while.

4) What color shirt are you wearing?
Black and gray flannel.

5) How long is your hair?
About 1/4" to 1/2"

6) Last movie you saw?
Protecting the King.

7) Last thing you ate?
A McDonald's Apple Pie.

8) What was last thing you drank?

9) Are you happy right now?
Yes. It's been a while since I could say “I can't complain” and mean that I had no complaints, as opposed to literally not being able to voice my complaints.

10) What did you say last?
“Is this pie for me?”

11) Where is your phone?
It's about three feet away, plugged in and charging next to my bed.

12) What was the last museum you went to?
I'm not sure, possibly one in Boston about eight years ago, but that can’t be right.

13) Who came over last?
B13, Mrs. B13, and Polaris-13. Appearances to the contrary, this is not a Triskaidekaphobia themed team of superheroes.

14) Who/what do you hate/dislike currently?
The only person/thing that might have fit this description is a swiftly fading memory that, God willing, will forevermore be nothing but a funny impression to do at parties.

15) What are you listening to?
The hum of my computer's fan and the chirping of crickets outside my window.

16) If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
A house. It's an intimidating task, but maybe it's time to start looking again.

17) What are your favorite stores?
Best Buy, Microcenter, and Target.

18) What makes you the happiest right now?
All the little amenities of my new job, from having my own office to free things like coffee, tea, soda, or ice cream.

19) What were you doing at midnight last night?
I was wearing out my welcome after a barbeque, lingering and watching television along with a few other guests while our hosts and their pets were obviously tired.

20) Are you left-handed?
As bad as my handwriting is, when teachers suggested I use my left hand it was infinitely worse, so I've always been right-handed.

21) What's for dinner tonight?
If it's Tuesday then it must be chicken cutlets, though a holiday weekend sometimes offsets the schedule.

22) When Is Your Birthday?
November 4th.

23) Who was the last person to send you a text message?
After seeing Transformers, Rey texted a single word: “butter”(That meant he liked it).

24) When is the last time you were in a swimming pool?
I'd have to say on one of my college camping trips.

25) Where was the last place you went shopping?
I was in Best Buy a few weeks ago where I picked up the new Doctor Strange DVD.

26) How do you feel about your hair right now?
I might shave it down in a few weeks, but I like it right now, easy to clean and manage.

27) Do you have any expensive jewelery?

28) AIM or MSN?

29) What was the first thing you thought when you woke up this morning?
“I AM the Pumpkin King!” Kidding. Sorry; that's an old reference that only one reader will fully understand. The actual, less-interesting answer is that my first thought was to check the time on my cell phone and see if I'd overslept or could stay in bed a bit longer.

30) Do you drink beer?
On occasion, roughly once a month or more depending on how many occasions there are.

31) Who do you miss?
I definitely miss my old college crew. Between work, family life, and geographic scattering, we're never all together at the same time. Keeping in touch through e-mail isn't the same thing, and I actually had a dream last week that we were all hanging out in the basement of some bar, which is odd since they were never much of a happy hour crew. After two weeks, it's also starting to sink in that my job change is permanent and I won't be seeing a lot of my work friends as often as before.

32) MySpace or Facebook?
Of course the answer for MCF is none of the above, A.K.A. Blogger. Mike W. Whorenelli would probably be on MySpace though, whether or not he initially wanted to be.

33) What was your favorite subject in school?
I liked math and art.

34) Do you have any talents?
Everything I do, from writing to drawing to playing a musical instrument takes talent. The most important talent though is getting out of bed each morning.

35) Do you have any children?
Not that I know of...

36) Did you take a nap today?
After an eight to ten mile hike on Monday, I definitely crashed for about an hour.

37) Ever met someone famous?
Yes. I've met a number of famous illustrators, I've gotten autographs from comic professionals like Tom DeFalco and George Pérez, and I've shaken hands with Rudy Giuliani. Famous people I've seen in New York but didn't actually meet include Peter Scolari, Adam Sandler and Hal Williams.

38) Do you want to be famous one day?
I'd like all of the pros of fame, and none of the cons. I'd like an aspect or creation of mine to be famous while the “real” me still enjoyed privacy and anonymity.

39) Could you handle being in the military?
I doubt it.

40) Ever been to Las Vegas?

41) When is the last time you updated your blog?
As of this post, 12:28 AM on 9/04/07.

42) Have you been to New York City?
Yes, I love NY.

43) Ever been to Disneyland/world?
Nope, I've never been that far South or West.

44) Last thing you cooked?
I made myself a pepperoni pizza after getting home late from a movie on Friday night. Heating up frozen food does count as cooking, right?

45) Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?
For the first year or two, I never had it on unless I had to make a call. I was worried about killing my battery, and I also thought that the phone had to be off when it was charging. Once B13 finally convinced me otherwise, I started keeping it on all the time.

46) Last time you were sick?
I'm still getting over a bad Summer cold that hit me a week-and-a-half ago.

47) Do you think anyone will repost this?
Maybe. At the very least, B13 and a few others will probably answer some of these in the comments.


Blogger b13 said...

She may drive it... but it's mine ;)

Here ya go.

9/04/2007 1:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


#15 A cricket got into the house earlier and has been driving me fridicking CRAZY.. as I read your post, my computer fan was whirling (still is) while the cricket chirped (still is).. how ironic.

#18 As you know, I've started a new job myself. I won't say the name of the company on my blog, but I guess it's okay in another blog's comments - it's Starbucks. Guess what? We get FREE drinks during shift, and one half hour before and after.. that's anything on the menu, not just a house coffee. It can be a quad caramel Frap with whipped and sprinkles, it's still free. The boss also runs to costco once a week and picks up goodies for the crew to enjoy on breaks. Power bars, cookies, nuts, etc.. all free. AND we get a free one pound bag of beans every week. ANY beans, or tea. I like working there (so far).

#37 I once took a piss next to Adam Sandler in a men's room at an LA hotel. He was at one urinal while I was at another, and as I looked over at him, I said "hey" and nodded.. he said "hey" and nodded back. Nice guy. Dumb story.

9/04/2007 5:01 AM  
Blogger Darrell said...

The famous people you saw but didn't meet... did you just see them on the street? That always kinda amazes me; that famous people just walk around in public in NYC. (I'm sheltered.)

9/04/2007 11:19 AM  
Blogger Scott Roche said...

Here you go!

9/04/2007 4:39 PM  
Blogger MCF said...

Darrell said: "The famous people you saw but didn't meet... did you just see them on the street?"

In two out of three instances, yes. Scolari I saw at the back of a Comicon signing autographs at a small table with like no line. In hindsight, I suppose I could have met him instead of just snapping a picture with my old crappy camera. I didn't have anything for him to sign and didn't really have anything to say.

Sandler was spotted crossing the street at about 2AM outside a Mickey D's near where he was living at the time.

Hal Williams was crossing the street in front of our cab one day. We all recognized him from 227 though no one could think of his name, so my friend Rob shouts out "DAD FROM 227!!!" and he like turned and gave a thumb's up. I'm glad in hindsight that I didn't go with my instinct to shout out "Carl Weathers!", because that would have been embarrassing. :)

9/04/2007 6:25 PM  
Blogger Lorna said...

This is better than reading my sister's diary....

9/05/2007 10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it's wrong, but I stole your post. I was too lazy to do something of my own.

9/06/2007 5:20 PM  

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