
Phantasmic Links 8.27.07

At the risk of jinxing myself, I'd say the worst of my cold is over. Granted, when I coughed up a little blood on Sunday morning I was concerned, but both my parents assured me that it was a sign that it was breaking up. My dad has some wacky medical ideas sometimes, but my mom is more knowledgeable, especially in respiratory matters, given her life's experience with asthma. I just hope my dad isn't catching what I went through this week; he was complaining of a tickle in his throat, which is where my problems began.

There are advantages to being sick. I was fortunate not to have any band obligations this weekend, so I probably could have slept all day on Sunday. Boredom gripped me though, and before I knew it, somehow I was sitting in the hall outside my room with a three foot stack of papers. I grabbed all the stacks in my room, from medical to dental to financial and more. I found old insurance plan brochures and stock prospectuses. I had printouts from when a friend gave a lecture at work about HTML back in the year 2000. There were museum brochures, magazines, and old newspapers. I found things that were sentimental, and a surprising amount of things that had actually lost their sentimental value. “Why was I saving this?!” I asked myself, many times.

Five hours and two garbage bags later, I had kept (mostly) the current, necessary, and personal items, filing them by category and chronology. I felt a profound sense of accomplishment, though my room looked exactly the same.

Here are this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

Picklesickle, anyone? I'm green just thinking about it. Hat Tip: Darrell.

As one version of the story goes, a couple buy a farm from some folks in Portugal who need to pay bills. There's a large barn on the property, welded shut, and when curiosity gets the better of the new owners they find an amazing cache of vehicles. Snopes clears up the actual details of this story, but it's a sweet collection nonetheless. HT: B13.

This Godfather portrait made from the film's entire script is an offer too cool to refuse. HT: Rey.

Scientists develop a sugar-based battery. Sweet Fancy Moses; I've been getting energy from sugar for years.

Optical art rocks. HT: J-No.

Have no fear, Bouncy Pink Asian Guy is here! HT: B13.

How steady is your hand? Stay on those beams...


Three seconds into trying to escape the room in Muselock, I exploded. Of course you know, this means war...or I'll look for a walkthrough...UPDATE: Died twice, which it tracks, but I made it out of there.

300 Mexicans. Blame: B13.

This is why I was never a fan of going at the office... HT: Rey.

Asteroid's Revenge III was a lot of fun, continuing to flip a classic gaming concept. The victory screens(below) seem to indicate another sequel as well. HT: Sean.

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Blogger b13 said...

Muselock... don't take the box :(

8/27/2007 1:23 AM  

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