
Phantasmic Links 4.16.07

You all need to see Grindhouse as soon as possible, assuming you don't have a faint heart, are of age, and like hot women, fast cars, zombies, blood, violence, the seventies, and brilliance. I found I liked the Rodrieguez portion of the film marginally better than the Tarantino half, but only because the pace slowed down so dramatically and some dialogue scenes ran a little bit too long. Those scenes definitely built to a very satisfying payoff though, and I can honestly say I haven't had so much fun in a movie theater in years. It didn't even feel like three hours. The DVD is getting bought because there are some deleted scenes I'm looking for, and I'm hoping some of the fake trailers lead to real movies. If it's not a joke, at least one will be. I'm also hoping Darrell gets around to writing a review of these.

The rest of my Sunday was all wet, as a flooded basement had me up on a ladder in high winds and torrential downpour to clean out the gutters. I argued against it but my dad already had the ladder in motion and was going to do it if I didn't. The gutters were clean, so the water is coming in somewhere else, cracks around one of the windows perhaps. Carrying the ladder back down to our cellar, I lost hold of our screen door and the wind bent it back and ripped some screws out of the frame. I think that was God's way of telling me to trust that B13 had a good reason for missing paintball. Looks like I have some carpentry in my future once things dry up. Meanwhile, I'd best get to my PHANTASMIC LINKS:

I'm enjoying everyone's guesses about the new Blogroll Villains. There will definitely be more of these in the near future, no sooner than Thursday and no later than next weekend, at which time I'll also reveal the identities of the first batch and confirm whether or not anyone guessed them all.

What are Jowlers? Shake yours, snap a photo, and upload them for some reason. Only B13 would send me something like this...

You all need to watch Heat Vision and Jack, a lost pilot. I can see why this gem didn't get picked up, but it stands alone as a brilliant spoof of all those ‘70s and ‘80s shows with nomadic heroes, unlikely best friends, and dubious science. And it stars Ron Silver as himself! We can thank J-No for finding this one.

Jerry also sent me the The Top Ten Cheesiest Movie Moments. I can't disagree with them though I have too much love for #5 to be bothered, and I've found referencing #7 to be a big hit with the ladies. No, really I have...

These are the best worst video game covers EVER. Shaq Fu kills me. Darrell came through with this wonderful link.

See 6,400 Post-It® Notes used to create Donkey Kong. I almost envy people with that much free time at work.

Now you can create Random YTMNDs, and some of you might want to! Reload and enjoy the ensuing chaos! You never know what combination you might find...

Would you be able to defeat The Most Frustrating Super Mario Mod Ever?

The funniest thing I saw this week were the bumbling misadventures of this burglar.

Frustrated? Have you tried screaming? have you tried Kah Ra Shin? Hat tip to TheGreek.

I can't post anymore links. I must now Complete this addictive game...

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Blogger b13 said...

My jowler is up at my page as well as submitted to the official site.

4/16/2007 10:00 PM  
Blogger Janet said...

One question, what were your feelings towards movies like True Romance, Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction? I ask because I wasn't too amazed by them, but I acknowledge they are not my style. I'm thinking somehow that Grind house would fall under this heading, too.

4/18/2007 5:29 PM  
Blogger MCF said...

I'll be honest, if you didn't like any of those movies, you probably aren't going to like Grindhouse. It's all of those rolled up with stylish 70s zombie and racing movies, all babes and testosterone and blood and guts, a pure guy movie, and pure unadulterated cool.

4/18/2007 8:19 PM  

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