
Making Up Words

At one point in Thursday night's episode of My Name is Earl, Randy mentions that he once made up a word, “barnicerous”, but didn't know what it meant. I remember when I tried to make up a word in seventh grade, in the hopes that “hyperballistic” would be the next great catch phrase. Alas, it didn't become the next “awesome”, “cool”, “dope”, or even that abhorrent “sweet”. Seriously, where do slang terms originate? Who first utters a word or phrase that soon becomes uttered by every kid in the nation? I wanted to BE that trendsetter, but all I got out of it was mockery.

After an evening of hyperballistic sitcoms, I settled down to do some surfing, while my brain processed ideas to write about. Many of my fellow writers have become occupied with the real world for some reason, and the epidemic is spreading. It wasn't until I finally opened a blank document that writer's block gripped me and I realized how contagious it could be. Would my two-plus year blogging streak come to an end? I don't even have a life to trump blogging! No, there would be no excuse for skipping a day, even if it meant the verboten post about having nothing to write. And though this is starting out on that note, it's ending on a different one. I've decided to make up words again.

Playing off of one of J-No's old ideas, the word verification gibberish we get before leaving a comment will be my source of inspiration. Let's see how much damage I can do to the English language as I define random permutations of letters:

Televpsm: This is the bitterness that arises in people who have watched so much television, they feel they've seen it all before and are critical when stories don't advance or fall short of their high expectations. Televpsm is frequently found on blogs and message boards, where viewers spend hours debating shows they profess to hate yet continue to watch.
The extent of his televpsm regarding that show is making me wonder if I should stop watching as well.

Rhuobm: This is the aft section of a mechanoid.
Wow, that robot totally fell back on his rhuobm!

Ackrid: This adjective describes the taste a cat experiences after bringing up a hairball.
My cat was drinking water to get rid of the ackrid taste.

Madsxun: Physical relations engaged in during times of anger.
Hey, were the neighbors fighting or having madsxun last night?

Elheving: A pachyderm carrying a heavy burden.
Some of those elhevings are able to tote small automobiles!

Synpie: An artificial dessert made from no calorie virtual ingredients. Great for robots concerned about keeping their rhuobms petite.
Apple pie is good, but synpie is better when I want to drop my Winter weight.

Piknelfs: A proposed new politically-correct term for little people.
Gary was so embarrassed at the park when he called those piknelfs dwarves...

Mumtik: Someone who is motherly, but severe.
She was so mumtik that she changed all the locks when her daughter was late coming home.

Pimla: A small tool used for unclogging the bends in sink pipes.
Hand me that pimla so I can get this ackrid hairball out of here.

Xypct: Someone who is extra mysterious.
MCF is such an xypct character sometimes...

* * *

Do you disagree with my definitions? Don't just sit on your rhuobms; feel free to add your own, or even some new words.


Blogger kevbayer said...

ibifb: the act of taking a meaningless jumble of letters, such as Word Verification keys, and making up definitions for them as if they were real words.

(yes, ibifb was my word verification for adding this comment ;-)

2/23/2007 7:22 PM  

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