
PBW: Frozen Sound

I'll never go to Antarctica; why would I want to? Sure, penguins would look great in a Photo Blog Wednesday, but I could always go to zoos. One morning last week, driving to work, I passed the Long Island Sound and at first was blinded. When my angle changed so that the reflected sun wasn't as harsh, I saw that it was cold enough for the water to have frozen. So, despite being ill this past weekend, I ventured out early Sunday morning and braved the cold for as long as I could take it. A local beach was my Antarctica, and seagulls were my penguins. I considered walking across, because the sheets of ice looked thick and solid, but I know how deep it gets in the middle. The view from under the ice might have been spectacular, but not at all healthy for either my camera or myself. The view from above the ice was more than interesting enough.



Blogger Janet said...

Antarctica is definitely the sort of place I'd only want to visit through pictures. Winters in NJ are cold enough for me!

2/14/2007 1:21 PM  
Blogger b13 said...

Beautiful pictures. Truly stunning.

2/15/2007 2:35 AM  

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