
The FATE of the Blog Party.

Only YOU can save the Blog Party.

OK, not really. But I'd like to hear what you think about some things.

Blog Party I was great. I got to know all my neighbors, and everyone enjoyed several five discourse meals. I hoped I'd started a trend. Jerry had mentioned a great topic shortly after the event that he would host at some point, and AverageJoe had a good suggestion as well. So far, only one other person that I know of has hosted a party besides myself. After a few weeks had elapsed, I decided to hold a second blog party. This one went quite well despite a glitch that prevented anyone from commenting last Friday. I'm guessing that a Friday may NOT have been the best day for it, and it seems a lot of readers aren't around on Saturday and Sunday.

I'm definitely going to be holding more of these, and I'd definitely participate if anyone else hosted a party. I have a range of subjects in mind for future parties and welcome any suggestions, and as I read each of your blogs and get a better sense of the common interests that got me reading to begin with, the topics will hopefully get even more appealing. Two parties isn't enough to really gauge the optimum conditions for a Blog Party, but it's raised some questions and this seems like a good time to poll everyone. I have my own answers to these questions, but I'll save them until after I've heard from you:

1) What is the best day of the week for a Blog Party?

2) Is a list the best format for a common topic?

3) True or False: A Blog Party should ONLY coincide with a holiday on which the majority of readers are home from work.(“majority” does not include the one reader from Scotland at this time; sorry FawnDoo)

4) How far in advance should a Blog Party be announced?

5) How far apart should any one host's parties be? Two weeks? A month?

6) In the event of a problem with the host site's comment system, should the host supply an e-mail address as an alternate way of notifying the host of posts to include in the AfterParty wrap-up?(This is possibly the most rhetorical question on the poll, I realize)

7) Should the host entry be up the night before or the morning of the party(based on times within the host time zone.)

I'll be back tomorrow with my own thoughts on these questions and hopefully some valuable input from you, my neighbors.



Blogger avRAGEjoe said...

1) I'm actually thinking middle of the week is the best day, say like Tuesday or Wednesday.

2) Lists are fine as a format, but an essay question type deal would be cool too.

3) False

4) I think 2 days to a week notice is fine.

5) Two weeks is a good time apart, however I would not object to a different person hosting once per week.

6) I don't think this is rhetorical at all. Blogger is getting pretty crappy with the comments, so, yes, email would be a nice fallback.

7) The host should post the night before.

3/17/2005 8:54 AM  
Blogger Kelly said...

1) I say Wednesday is the best day, but any weekday other than Friday would be good.

2) I enjoy the list format, but an occasional different format (essay, etc) would be fun.

3) False. This would be too infrequent.

4) Some weekday on the week prior to the party.

5) I like two weeks apart as a minimum.

6) Yes, an email address should be provided.

7) The night before or the morning of should be fine. I think the host should try to be the first person to respond to their question.

3/17/2005 10:20 AM  
Blogger kevbayer said...

1) Midweek sounds good to me.

2) Lists are mostly OK. Other formats occassionally/or mixed in might break up the monotony.

3) Negative. Any reason for a (blog) party is a good reason!

4) A week at most. More than that and I forget I was going to post. Less than that and I might miss the original post.

5) Random is good. At least 2 weeks maybe. Remember though, any reason for a (blog) party is a good reason!

6) Nah... we'll eventually be able to post.

7) I'd say morning of.

3/17/2005 11:27 PM  

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