
Blogging trumps Blogging

I'll be briefer than usual, tonight. It's not that there aren't a number of topics I could talk about, like enjoying the epic Chronicles of Riddick director's cut last night. There were a few clichés and annoying characters, and the obligatory throwbacks to the prequel, but there was some visually stunning action, cool characters, and Alexa Davalos, so it more than balanced out. Alexa denies seeing the Angel finale in this interview, not surprising since three appearances on a television series probably would be more significant to the fans than the star. The interview I linked to contains Riddick spoilers, by the way, in case you haven't seen it. I probably should have mentioned that sooner.

I could also write about how I'm adjusting to the changes at work, and dealing with being an art director for two book clubs now. I made a significant faux pas calling my new editor for the first time, asking him a question about a Bass book. The book referred to the fish since this is a hunting club, but I pronounced it “base” like the clef since I'm a musician. “ExCUSE me?!” he asked as my throat closed up and I choked on my words. Right now I'm just taking it one day at a time and looking forward to nights when work isn't what I'm thinking about when I fall asleep, and days when it's not my first waking thought. It's slowly killing me.

Either of the topics in the preceding two paragraphs could have made for lengthy—even good—reads. But the simple fact is that tonight doesn't matter. Posting is normally the last thing I do before midnight, so a Thursday post would be read on a Friday morning by most people. Tomorrow before I go to work I plan to post for my second blog party. This means I'll need to finalize the piece tonight, and that many readers will overlook this one. I might just get an e-mail Saturday morning from TheWriteJerry, wondering why there was no post Friday night. If time allows, I might just get a guest post off to AverageJoe since side work on Saturday may cut in to my writing time.

If you're reading this lost entry, thank you, and remember to stop by the party tomorrow! Leave comments with links back to your “homes”, and Saturday I'll collect them into an afterparty post.

Clever parting line.


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