
Phantasmic Links 9.10.07

This past weekend seriously kicked my ass. I was up at 5 AM on Saturday morning, on a train by 6, and I wasn't back in my home town until 11 PM. My dad and I went to the big feast in New Jersey that we go to every year, and for some reason it took its toll. Maybe it was the heat, or the long periods of time standing in one place. I find my legs and feet tire more from standing still than from walking. I was forced to face an ugly truth when I caught my reflection in a parked car and saw to my horror that I had a ”Dunlap”. After three weeks without a gym, I was in no shape for a 10 hour procession. I resolved then and there to start doing abdominal exercises every day. On Sunday I had another procession to play for though, in Queens, and I was exhausted by the time I drove out there, waited two hours for a long mass to end, and then played for two hours while walking on uneven streets. I also lacked energy from skipping breakfast because my dad was rushing me out the door in the morning when I was still out of it from the day before. So no crunches when I staggered home on Sunday afternoon, but this week I fight back against the enemy's recent advancement across the border. First I'll burn calories by typing up this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

Sponsoring a certain type of product, familiar corporations' catch phrases take on a new meaning.
Hat tip: J-No.

Here are 7 Amazing Holes that have nothing to do with the preceding link, but are still a sight to see.

”Well EXCUSE me, princess!” I think I just remembered why I didn't get through more than an episode of that show.
HT: B13.

Images from international photography awards put me to shame and inspiration.

Lyndon is having a complex but intriguing Lifeslackers contest this month.

The 100 Best Shows of All Time: Agree or Disagree?

Here are the hottest women in comics, because it's not enough for nerds to fantasize about real girls that would never give us the time of day. Uh, them. Give them the time of day. Stupid nerds.
HT: Sean.

The G.I.Joe movie may be officially ruined. I miss the ‘80s and, though I wasn't around for them, the ‘40s. This would never have happened in either decade.

Holograms are here!
HT: B13.

Whirl your mouse and destroy the green balls in Sproing! These simple concepts are often the best and most addictive.

Steve Jobs apologizes to trendy crybabies. Snicker.

The joke goes like this: ”A man wakes up with a huge hangover...”
HT: J-No.

Finally, I am seriously impressed by this tribute to Internet People, which covers a nearly complete range of folks we've all seen online with one or two glaring omissions. What, no Mysterious Cloaked Figure?
HT: Darrell.

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was afraid that it was going to sound complex :-(

My goal was to give people the option to get more entries, instead of the typical one. There by improving their odds.

I think, I'll have to rework my contest rules the next time I decide to have one.

9/10/2007 3:08 PM  

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