
PBW: Guns 'n' Gulls 'n' Ridin'

I don't have many pictures for this week's Photo Blog Wednesday, but I have a small variety of good ones. I probably should have gone on my outing on Saturday when it was sunny and clear, instead of Sunday when it was overcast with occasional drizzle, but then I didn't know what Sunday would look like until I woke up and raised my shades, and I'm still trying to figure out that whole time travel thing.

First up, I found a gazebo defended by a trio of ebon cannons:

Next, I drove to a beach and observed some gulls breaking mussels and chilling:

While there, I saw this boat; write your own limerick:

Finally, continuing the trend of driving videos, my latest idea was to drive along the shore and hold the camera in one hand and the steering wheel in the other:

Yeah, that wasn't dangerous...



Blogger b13 said...

Maybe hold it at the top of the steering wheel, so when you turn it feels like we are on a roller coaster.

I'll have to get on my bike for some off road goodness... or roller blades for some urban skating.

4/04/2007 3:29 PM  

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