
M.C.F.A.T. XI: Answers

Will M.C.F.A.T. XI be the last of my Astonishing Tests? I'll decide next week. For now, I extend my thanks to those few brave souls who took up the latest challenge:


Crazy Neighbor


Kev Bayer


Congratulations to all the graduates! Here are the correct answers:

1) A recent study shows that ”prayer doesn't help patients recover from surgery.” What are your thoughts on prayer and its effect on illness and suffering?
I believe in God. I believe God created us all, and knows everything simultaneously: past, present and future. As a creation of God, any of my abilities stem from Him, the same as anyone else. The night before he was crucified, Jesus Himself prayed “if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; but not my will but thy will be done.” This acknowledges a desire to be spared while recognizing that we have no power over God. Too many people confuse prayer with magic, and are inevitably disappointed when they treat talking to God like making a wish and their wishes don't come true. At the other extreme, however, are people who take their belief so far as to believe any human intervention defies God. My feeling on the subject is that if a doctor is able to help someone, and that doctor is God's creation, his or her abilities stem from God and success or failure are God's will. It's not hard for me to reconcile science with faith. I don't think people of faith should condemn science or medicine, and I don't think scientists should try to “disprove” prayer. Even if someone doesn't share my beliefs, psychologically he or she should at least realize the psychological value of the comfort someone feels in an absolutely helpless situation, when prayer is all that's left. Leave the studies be, and let people pray.

2) If you were turned into a cartoon animal, what animal would you be, what wacky name would you have, and what would be your distinguishing characteristics?
I would be Lucky, the Unfortunate Chimp. I'd begin and end every day by slipping on a banana peel, and in between I'd encounter any number of unlikely perils, from shark attacks in the jungle to being audited by the IRS.

3) What was your worst encounter with nature?
One time I was swinging from vine to vine, and this shark just leapt up out of nowhere! Wait, that was my cartoon animal alter-ego. I guess my worst encounter was the time when I was a kid when I put my hand down on the grass on two yellowjackets that were hooking up, and ended up getting stung twice. Or it could be the time I was riding my bike and a doberman pinscher chased me down a hill, nipping at my heels, sending me across four lanes of traffic. Then there was the time out at Montauk when a wave crashed on me, shoving me into an undertow that turned me upside down and ripped me thirty feet out to sea. Of course, the time a pigeon dropped a load on me at a parade wasn't fun either. I honestly don't think I can narrow this down to just one.

4) My old friend Rey recently described leaving his home state for a new one. Lorna is in the process of moving. Joe and his family are in the process of moving back home, and Curt and his family moved back home a few months ago. What do you miss the most about the place you're originally from or, if you've never left, what things have kept you there?
I've lived in the same house, in the same room for over 30 years. The house I'm considering buying is twenty minutes away. I know where things are on Long Island, my whole family is here, and most of my friends. The thought of finding new stores, or doctors, or dentists, new driving routes and making new friends is overwhelming and terrifying sometimes. Yet people do it every day and survive. My dad's spent 76 years on Long Island, his hometown is 20 minutes from where we live now, and he's never traveled outside the country let alone to more than 3 or 4 other states. My mom may have traveled more, but I don't think she's left the country either. If nothing else, I'm continuing the family tradition. This is where we're from and where we'll always be.


Blogger Janet said...

Could I cheat on the cartoon animal? I'd really like to be a puppet instead. Particulary, the Swedish Chef.:)

4/11/2006 9:42 PM  

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