
It's Party Time! (again)

Sitcoms are great, aren't they? Actually these days, save for a few exceptions such as Scrubs, they really aren't. I'm not sure why that is. Perhaps all the good ideas have been taken, or we've seen the same thing so many times the traditional formats are formulaic and tired. There's always reruns, though.

After a long, hard day at school or work it's nice to settle in for mindless entertainment and watch characatures of people just like ourselves, going through the same trials and troubles we do, and being able to laugh at it. A sense of humor is possibly the most important survival mechanism we humans possess. Life is hard, and an especially tough one can seem longer if we can't laugh at the bumps in the road. Who among us has never been stressed about exams, or spent time in a hospital, or daydreamed in class, or fallen through a rift to an Earth where time flows backwards? Yes friends, the exact same foibles and follies of our lives are captured in sitcoms. We relate to the situations, and we relate to the characters. Some take center stage while others around them are there to deliver a funny line or insult. Sometimes these background characters outshine the leads, and the leads play it straight while the support gets the best jokes. Which leads us to BLOG PARTY II.

It's that time again. Anyone who knows me in person knows how much I love to party on a Friday night. Therefore, it's only logical that I host my second party this Friday, March 11th. As some of you may recall from last time, here's how it works:

1) The host establishes a date for the event and chooses a topic to blog about.

2) On that day, neighboring blogs may discuss the same topic from their point of view, linking to the host's post.

3) The host may design a logo to commemorate the event, which other participating sites may copy to their servers and display as a link to the host in their post as well.

4) Everyone comments on everyone else's posts, “mingling” with the guests. A good time is had by all.

5) The next day, the host posts links in an “afterparty” post, collecting everyone who commented and participated in one place.

I considered the last party to be a success, and I know of at least one other person that's held one since. Hopefully this trend will continue to grow in this corner of the blogosphere.

You're all invited to blog about the following topic next Friday:

Your Three Favorite Sitcom Supporting Characters

The topic is narrower than last time so the list should be easier to narrow down to a smaller number. Of course, with all the leather jacket-wearing, crazy haired, tall, bald, neurotic, handymen, geeks or janitors running around out there, it might not be that narrow after all.

Finally, it wouldn't be a Blog Party without one of my patented slightly cheesy logos:

If you choose to participate, you're welcome to copy the image to your server and display it as a link. Look forward to seeing you all on Friday! Tell your friends!



Blogger Jerry Novick said...

Uh, dude - February 11th was weeks ago...

3/05/2005 10:46 PM  
Blogger MCF said...

Uh, dude - didn't you read the part about falling through a rift to an Earth where time ran backwards? Of course this party will predate the last one!

You get a No-prize for pointing it out though. =) I've corrected it to say March 11th--thanks!

3/05/2005 11:43 PM  
Blogger kevbayer said...

I'll be back for the 2nd Blog Party.

3/06/2005 3:28 AM  
Blogger avRAGEjoe said...

I'm in, MCF. Hey, you're giving out no-prizes now? Wow, that really takes me back...

3/07/2005 8:22 AM  

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