
Word Association

The brain is a complex mechanism. Often our conscious and subconscious levels process information quite differently. Thinking about things alters our instinctive reaction. With that in mind, I decided to try a word association exercise someone sent me, and write the first thing that came to mind upon reading each item in the following list:

1. Beer: Friday.

2. Anorexic: Not I.

3. Relationships: Complicated.

4. Purple: Rain

5. Power Rangers: Voltron

6. Weed: Yard work.

7. Steroids: Baseball.

8. Cartoons: Forever.

9. The President: Sy Sperling.

10. Tupperware: Party.

11. Best vacation: Camping.

12. Santa Claus: Tim Allen.

13. Halloween: Missing.

14. Bon Jovi: Livin' on a Prayer.

15. Grammar: School.

16. Facebook: Slow.

17. Worst fear: Change.

18. Marriage: Someday?

19. Paris Hilton: Jail.

21. Redhead: MJ.

22. Blonde: How you doin'?

23. Pass the time: Internet.

24. One night stands: Foolish.

25. Donald Trump: Bald.

26. Neverland: Ranch.

27. Pixie Sticks: Sweet!

28. Vanilla ice cream: Smooth!

29. High School: Hated it.

30. Work: Not bad at all.

31. Pajamas: Sweat pants.

32. Woods: Sharp.

33. Wet Sock: Dry Blanket.

34. Alcohol: Corona.

35. Love: Laughter.

* * * * *

Feel free to try it for yourselves!

(And check back tomorrow for “real” content. I’m really making an effort to maintain a higher level of writing after seeing how much filler I posted last year, but I will occasionally have prior engagements that preclude my usual novellas, and what had me out late Friday night is something I only have once a year.)


Blogger kevbayer said...

What had you out late Friday is something you only have once a year....

That leaves a lot of possibilites on what it could be!

Birthday? Sex? Some special food? A religious event? A band event? A Con? A date (I'm so mean)? A panic attack? A local festival? A rootbeer float? A visit from out-of-town friends?

11/03/2007 4:38 PM  
Blogger MCF said...

So, sex is your second guess, but you don't wonder about being mean until you suggest a date is something I have once a year?

11/03/2007 9:56 PM  
Blogger Lorna said...

Nice association: love: laughter

11/05/2007 4:54 AM  

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