
Phantasmic Links 5.21.07

I am exhausted. After a fun happy hour on Friday night, I only got about four hours' sleep before I had to drive my dad and two other musicians to a procession on Saturday morning. Miraculously, I woke up on my own and managed to get through both the chauffeuring and the gig as well as get home in time to take my mom to our first mass since she got out of the hospital. Sunday is when the lack of sleep caught up to me, but I had to drive even further to a gig. Once again I prevailed, even bringing my camera to sneak in some photography during the downtime before we started playing. Driving home however, we hit traffic on one of the worst parkways on Long Island. Our band leader wasn't very talkative, nor was I, while we sat perfectly still in bumper to bumper traffic watching the occasional impatient soul drive over curbs and lawns to escape. My dad made “conversation” to break the silence by lamenting the loss of fuel, or inquiring multiple times whether I could get to the right because the right lane looked like it was moving. It wasn't. We were trapped in a parking lot. After an hour we finally were moving again and got our band leader to his train station. I'm hoping for a quiet week in which to recuperate. For now, I'm trying to stay awake long enough to post this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

B13 was Dr. Doom in the Supervillain Quiz. I was Two-Face:
I make impulsive decisions at the flip of a coin.

Two-Face 65%
Dr. Doom 59%
Venom 58%
The Joker 52%
Mystique 49%
Mr. Freeze 47%
Magneto 47%
Riddler 46%
Green Goblin 45%
Apocalypse 43%
Lex Luthor 38%
Dark Phoenix 28%
Catwoman 25%
Kingpin 25%
Juggernaut 21%
Poison Ivy 0%

Click here to take the "Which Super Villain are you?" quiz...

You won't find me on Flashface, but you can use your imagination and make your own. Police sketch artists beware! Thank J-No for the awesome link.

Countdown 100 movies with 100 carefully chosen quotes. I bow before superior free time, knowledge of the obscure, and sheer creativity.

Sheep fear the “Devil Sheep”. Somewhere in that video, sent to me by Darrell, is a metaphor for man's inhumanity to man.

Darrell also sent me information about an awesome viral campaign for the next Batman movie. I participated and did my part in removing a pixel to reach the creepy ultimate reveal. Creepy.

According to B13, The answer is not always “C”. I'm glad I can still be educated at my age.

B13 also sent me a ridiculously addictive Zombie Game. Must....stop...wasting...my life...

Rey sent me some good ones this week as well: The Militant Black Guy defends Political Correctness...Terry Tate takes down insensitive office workers...The Lazy River yields a Warm Surprise....

New Smashing Pumpkins, anyone? Smashing! I'll resume typing once I finish moshing to the guitar solo...

...and now, I'll drift off to some fun clouds.

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Blogger b13 said...

Lazy river... hysterical (how did he not get his ass beaten?)

I may have to give Billy another chance after hearing that new song.

And the clouds... ingenious!

5/21/2007 1:32 AM  

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