
Blogroll Villains: Gang Five

Before we begin, some points of interest:

1) My mom is feeling fine. As of Saturday, her temperature was down to 96 degrees, which is normal for her. The doctor expects her to come home on Sunday, though she wants to stay at least until lunch because she liked what was on the menu. She's ok.

2) Saturday night found me attending my first Nebula Awards ceremony, a very cool experience. I may go into more detail later this week, but highlights included unexpected subway construction causing me to walk a great distance, some low quality photos due to bringing my old digital camera because it was more compact and fit in my suit pocket, and some very funny hosting by Ron Moore. Also, I got a robot.

3) Wendy does it again! On her first try, she correctly identified all five of our last batch of Blogroll Villains. Now that she's the first reader to win more than one fragment of the Mysterious Master Prize™, I may have to make these harder. I'm running out of blogs though, so there will only be one or two more of these. Meanwhile, Aerelon.jpg is on its way to Wendy.

Heroes transformed into villains, thanks to the power of Heromachine, and here's who we fought last time:

16) Diana Prince.
17) SwanShadow.
18) Jamie Dawn.
19) FawnDoo.
20) Sean.

Will one of you successfully leave a comment correctly identifying all five of this week's Blogroll Villains and receive a piece of the rare Mysterious Master Prize™? Will I find a way to make “froom” a running joke? Will I win Best Geek Blog and post my real face as a result?

And who are these people?



Blogger Wendy said...

YAY!! Now when will I finally receive these mysterious prizes?

5/13/2007 6:53 AM  
Blogger SPM said...

I was the Namor looking dude? Kewl.

5/13/2007 9:51 AM  
Blogger MCF said...

Check your Hollins account Wendy; that's the one I've been sending them to. Let me know if you haven't received them there or if you have another account I should send them to.

5/13/2007 9:55 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

I got the new one, but I never got the last prize. I thought you had forgotten about me :)

5/13/2007 1:37 PM  
Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

I don't know enough of your blog buddies to make an educated (or uneducated) guess.
I think #3 looks the coolest though.

5/13/2007 3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know your mom was sick, but I'm glad to hear she's doing better.

I voted for you for best geek blog. I have no idea the significance of these awards, that's why I didn't nominate anyone personally. Still it doesn't hurt to take two seconds to click and show you care, right?:)


5/13/2007 8:50 PM  

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