
1974 Tube

Ah, 1974. A lot of stuff happened that year, stuff of importance, and those numbers probably ooze significance as well. The only thing I know for sure about 1974 off the top of my head was that I was born in November of that year, though I don't remember it. Darrell recently wrote a feature in which he searched his birth year in YouTube and posted some of the videos that resulted. Let's see what my birth year brings us:

Pink Floyd's Money is a great song from the early ‘70s, though I was in high school before I discovered the group. The video that resulted from my birth year certainly looks scrambled, but maybe you have to be on drugs to appreciate it? (I'm kidding; it is scrambled. Stay in school kids. Winners don't do drugs.)

Zardoz is a weird, weird, weird classic science fiction movie that I hadn't heard of until I saw the trailer on another DVD. Of course, I had to see it immediately. It's really hard to describe it, or what Sean Connery was thinking, and it has a pretty interesting revelation about the title. I'm guessing he was watching Pink Floyd videos between takes, but somehow running around in a red diaper with a receding hairline didn't hurt his career. I'm convinced that the trailer had subliminal messages. Zardoz.... ZARDOZ.... ZARDOZ...

What's this? A clip of Japanese superhero Ultraman? This looks like the kind of show MCF at any age might watch. I can't read most of those credits, so from what I can read I can only deduce that the hero flies a Honda and that the effects on the show were done by a very, very prototypical Mac.

This is a great find: a classic appearance by Kermit the Frog and Jim Henson on What's My Line? in which Henson announces an upcoming puppet show for grown-ups. (I almost posted a trailer for 1974's campy and hilarious Deadly Weapons, starring the aptly named ”Chesty Morgan”, instead of this one before I noticed the amount of nudity.)

A parade of beautiful women is a natural segue to...

...a video of Mr. Happy. I never knew those were cartoons before they were collectible plastic figurines in my Roy Rogers happy meals.

Wow, I guess a lot of other things happened in 1974 after all!


Blogger Darrell said...

I was going crazy trying to figure out who the narrator was in the "Mr. Happy" clip ... then I had a stroke of genius and clicked the clip and opened the page at YouTube and found out that it was Arthur Lowe. Whoever that is. Finally I realized that I thought I knew the voice because he sounds like Dudley Moore.

Dudley Moore had a very soothing, comforting quality about his voice. So does Arthur Lowe, whoever that is.

Bob Barker sure looked young(er) in '74.

I thought that Hardees had closed all the Roy Rogers restaurants. I'm glad I was wrong.

3/08/2007 4:20 PM  
Blogger kevbayer said...

Freaky - a podcast I listen to recently mentioned Zardoz. Coinkydink?

3/08/2007 6:21 PM  
Blogger Lorna said...

All this makes me profoundly unhappy. In 1974, I was on my 3rd career, boycotted Miss Universe in all the media, watched Mr Happy with my kids, thought Zardoz was the epitome of cool future-think, and was about to become single again. Yikes!

3/09/2007 8:33 PM  

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