
LOST Finale Thoughts

Previously, on MCF...

And now, LOST:

What I liked:
Desmond's entire back story.
Libby's connection to Desmond.
• Seeing Sayid's soldier skills put to use, despite the apparent failure of his plan.
Kate picks up that a pair of Others are following them, and she and Sawyer kill one.
• The scene in which Michael confesses.
• We finally learn what happens when the button isn't pressed, and confirm that the magnetism revealed earlier this season(and hinted at in the first season by a spinning compass) indeed caused the crash.
• Learning the origin of the invisible map.
• The revelation of where those pneumatic canisters go.
Charlie and Claire reconcile and finally kiss.
• “Henry Galewas the “man behind the curtain.”

What I didn't like:
• Having to wait all Summer to find out what happens next.

What I'm wondering:
• Are they in a “snowglobe”, either out of synch with reality and time or possibly beneath the Earth's surface?
• What's the deal with the giant four-toed statue? Ruins of Lemuria?
• Was Alex intentionally groping Kate, or did the actress miss?
• Will Michael's boat explode?
• Is he really reunited with Walt or just one of his son's astral projections?
• Would Walt really leave Vincent behind again?
• Will their compass even work to reach the escape coordinates?
• Will they bump into Sayid, Sun, and Jin on Desmond's boat?
• Will Desmond survive whatever turning the key unleashed?
• Will Locke and Eko survive the apparent destruction of the hatch?
• Why isn't Charlie more concerned about them?
• Will Charlie have permanent hearing damage from the explosion?
• Will Penelope find the island next season and, if she does, will she too be trapped?
• What is Widmore's connection to the projects on the island, and how much does his daughter know?
• Are Kelvin Inman and Joe Inman one and the same, and if so how did he come to be in the hatch?
• How much did Inman know about the Others, whom he referred to as “Hostiles”?
• Was Jack signaling Kate with that look at the end, and was there more to his plan than “walk right into Michael's trap”?
• Libby's deceased husband's name was David, and in the institution she was in with Hurley, Dave was the name of Hurley's imaginary friend. Coincidence?
• Will each season continue to focus on a few short days, keeping the story set in 2004?
• When will we see more of the Black Smoke next season and learn its origins?
• If Ms. Klugh was seen by Eko when he faced the smoke, what is their connection?
• Is the sickness really fake as implied by Kelvin's torn suit?
• Why did Desmond continue taking the vaccine after he learned Kelvin was lying? What does it really do?
• Will the latest electromagnetic anomaly bring another plane or boat to the island?
• Can the show maintain this level of quality and intrigue for its entire run?

Best Lines:
• “We locked out a priest?”
• “Was that bird calling my name?”
• “I'll see you in another life, brother!”
• “I was wrong.”

4 8 15 16 23 42 out of 4 8 15 16 23 42


Blogger Janet said...

I cant do it. I officially told Lost to get lost about a year ago. My brain has thanked me many times since.:)

5/28/2006 9:24 AM  
Blogger Rhodester said...

I'm currently not reading your blog - just so you know. Too many spoilers! We have Tivo and because of our funky, mixmatched schedules, we store up several weeks at a time before we have a marathon viewing of a particular show on a mutual day off. We are SO behind on Lost, it's not funny.

Not one little bit.

5/28/2006 2:56 PM  
Blogger Lorna said...

You are so clever!

5/28/2006 9:31 PM  
Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

I had to read your thoughts and questions. My daughter, hubby and I are LOST fans. We have so many unanswered questions too. Gosh, this gets frustrating.
They did not answer enough to satisfy me.
Now, we have to wait until next season, only to get more and more confused. I'm hooked.

5/29/2006 5:35 PM  

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