
Phantasmic Links 10.2.05

Well, I almost didn't make it, but I saw Serenity today, and I have to say that, in all honesty--wait, what am I doing? Tonight is Sunday. I guess my thoughts on the movie will have to wait, since it's time once again for this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

7 days remain for you to send me your votes and guest posts for Cloakfest 2005. Pick the best party from the list. Pick the best individual participant. It's just that simple, and attendance and participation at past parties isn't necessary. Many thanks to those of you who've already sent in your votes and guest posts. You know who you are. As added incentive, each guest writer will receive a mysterious “prize”, so I hope a few more of you join in the fun before next Sunday. ...please?

Can anyone think of any flaws in the notion of black toilet paper?

Can you beat MCF's high score of 386?
It's an addictive football game, and I'm not even much of a sports person.

Help a platypus fix a leak and restore water to the CHASM. Comical and fun.

Check out Nicholson's “new” romantic comedy, brought to my attention by Sean, who later linked to similar trailers.

Bypass those annoying “press 1” messages, thanks to In4mador.

First the world, and now Google™ tackles the universe.

Check out every MAD magazine cover. Here's one of Alfred E. Neuman's first covers.

As much as I love French Fries, I'm not so sure this is a good idea.

They'll make ANYTHING into an opera. Check out the trailer, and thank Sarcasmo for the links.

At last! With Stewie at my command, all my plans shall come to fruition! Link found on In4mador, and impatient people can find most of the sequences here.



Blogger cube said...

Thanks for the Mad memories. I grew up reading it & it's why my sense of humor is so warped.

10/03/2005 12:47 PM  
Blogger Darrell said...

That new Jack Nicholson movie, Shining, looks like a WONDERFUL family comedy! I think we'll rent it and watch it with the kids this Saturday!

On the other hand, that horrifying West Side Story just looks too gruesome and scary for me.

10/04/2005 1:30 PM  

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