
Take What?

Does anyone remember my list of good driving songs? Add ”We're not gonna take it!” by Twisted Sister(remember their cameo in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure?). After not hearing it for a while, I've heard it twice while driving this weekend, thanks to K-Rock playing a variety of metal with guest DJs from various bands. Someone's certain to point out that the power anthem is frequently heard on a commercial for cell phones, or some restaurant, or women's razor's or something equally sad, but I don't count that.

I had taken a nap after this morning's parade, and woke up in the afternoon feeling...”antsy”. The long weekend had gone quicker than I could have imagined, though I'd done everything I'd wanted to do, including seeing War of the Worlds and getting plenty of rest to face the next few insanely busy weeks at my job. I needed something, but I didn't know what.

I grabbed my Netflix copy of The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou(highly funny if you share my appreciation of dry Bill Murray humor and a great, unique soundtrack), as well as my camera, and jumped in “Bluestreak”(my geeky nickname for my blue 626). After dropping off the movie at the post office I would go where my car took me, preferably to an adventure where I'd get some good photos the like of which I've not posted in a while(airshow notwithstanding). It was then that I heard “We're Not Gonna Take It!” for the second time this weekend.

I knew there was a nature preserve somewhere in the vicinity of the next town’s post office, and one I'd not been to in a few years, but I had no luck in finding it. It didn't matter though. As I learned how several back roads connected, the window was down the weather was fine and the music was perfect. I decided to head to some trails in my own town, only to find the gates closed for the evening.

That anthem really got me riled up; I'm restless, and I don't even know what it is that I'm “not gonna take”. When I heard the song on Friday it was great because I had this sense of Summer that I haven't had in years, a feeling of looking forward to being outside and doing as much or as little as I wanted. I think I got a taste of my younger years, when I'd spend weekends at beaches with friends and not even remember that I had any responsibilities. I've gone from the feeling a child has on the last day of school before Summer vacation to the feeling one gets the night before classes resume in September, all in the space of four days.

I’ve always been too easily bored; perhaps it's my own attitude that I need to rebel against. Fantastic Four opens next weekend, so I have that to look forward to. The more I see of it, the more I think I'm going to love it as a fan of the comics while mainstream audiences won't embrace it as much as they did more successful comic adaptations.

Here's some things I'm not gonna take:
My own tendency toward sloth. I'm going to get back on track at work, and even if I work until 7, the gym closes at 8, so I have no excuses not to run every night. I skipped the gym for two weeks and gained ten pounds. It's time to fight back.

Sitting around waiting for Monday. I make it through one week at a time, and then spend some days doing nothing. Even if I just go for a drive like I did this afternoon, I need to get out. Even though I already got out for a few hours this morning for a parade, and saw a movie yesterday, I have a sense of “missing” my weekend which may account for my aversion to returning to work tomorrow. I will be having more adventures worthy of photographing.

System of a Down's BYOB. ‘Nuff said.

Nice try, McDonald's. I've already SEEN Super Size Me. Too little, too late.

FOX canceling good shows. If The Inside goes the way of Tru Calling or Firefly, I'm not going to be happy. In fact, I'll--I'll--

It seems there are some things beyond our power to change, and all we can do is endure them. It's unrealistic to think we can fight back against everything we don't like in our lives, but it's nice to know there are things we can change when motivated.

What about YOU? What aren't YOU going to take anymore?


Blogger Janet said...

I love Bill Murray, but I just couldn't get into Life Aquatic. I'm sorry.:(

7/05/2005 2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Only me? What's the deal?"

I think my appreciation increased with the slow recognition of the redone Bowie songs, or the use of Zissou's theme song first as an electronic piece and later as an orchestral arrangement for their island "raid". It also helped that the commentary explained Owen Wilson's bad impersonation of Will Patton's accent was intentional. =) Plus the cutaway ship and stop animation sea life visually interesting.

Zissou's still no Peter Venkman or Carl Spackler though, I'll give you that much.

7/05/2005 2:24 PM  
Blogger Lorna said...

I'm not going to take not hearing your take on War of the Worlds---give it up.


7/05/2005 8:28 PM  
Blogger MCF said...

I posted several comments over at Film Geeks, after yours. I liked your observation about the "herding". =)

I admit, I haven't read the novel(but really want to now), but I was familiar with the overall story and I knew how the story would end. I was speaking to a friend at work today who didn't know the story at all, and she thought the ending was somewhat anticlimactic. I think people's reactions may vary with their familiarity with the story.

My likes and dislikes aside, it was WAY better than ID4 which, while not hard to accomplish, had been one of my fears going in.

7/05/2005 9:11 PM  

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