
Phantasmic Links 6.26.05

I'd like to begin tonight's post by thanking everyone who gave their input on yesterday's post. My dad finally made a remark this morning, as we were driving home from church, when he sagely warned me people might start calling me ”Fidel Castro.” At this point, I think I'm going to take that chance for just a bit longer. As I stroke my ebon follicled chin contemplatively, let us ponder this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

I could spend weeks writing about the Stuff I Used to Believe, but for now I'll content myself to read the amusing childhood misconceptions of others.

Alan Moore leaves D.C.

AverageJoe does an outstanding job explaining the Highlander continuity. Through no fault of his own, I'm still somewhat confused, but then I've only seen the first three films and one or two episodes of the television series.

Dosetaker links to a highly addictive and magical journey with a rabbit. I still can't get all the carrots in the allotted time AND make it to the hidden BBQ, and I also can't get the music out of my head. “Hate something, change something, make something betterrr....”

Is this the future of search engines? I'm still a Google™ loyalist, but with unlockable hidden features, site previews, and customizable skins, this thing has potential.

Cube likes cats; Darrell is a kitten-stomping FIEND.

Enjoy this open letter to the Superfriends, link courtesy of Sarcasmo.

It's time for us all to unite and make the Ultimate Judgment of good vs. evil....

After witnessing his power, I wish to become Tom Cruise's apprentice. Hat tip to Rey.



Blogger cube said...

Dude, I post about cats on Fridays, which doesn't necessarily mean I like cats.

OK, I do like cats. I just wanted to be edgy...

6/27/2005 11:23 PM  

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