
Phantasmic Links 7.3.05

Someday I'll be the crazy old recluse standing vigilant with a hose, defending my home against stray pyrotechnics. For now, as I sit here listening to the sounds of illegal fireworks and shrieking children, I wonder if I'll be able to discern squeals of delight from squeals of, “Omigawdomigawd, where did Timmy's eye go?” and know enough to call the paramedics. I guess I'll let the parents who procured and are setting off these explosives worry about that, and I'll worry about this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

Forbes listed the 15 wealthiest fictional characters. Personally, I would have chosen better photos for most of them. Hat tip to Swimming in Champaign.

Harrison Ford gets to the point. Another hat tip to Swimming in Champaign.

With my own Astromech, I'll be truly unstoppable!

I LOVE godmode-shooters, and RaidenX is one of the best homages to one of the best.

Someone has Jenny's number... Link found on In4mador.

A 10-year old paints better than the entire art department at my company. I wonder if it's too late to get back my old job at the gas station? Hat tip to Wendy for finding this amazing young artist.

These altered covers speak for themselves.

I don't know if my office would approve of using post-its like this....

“¡El ma's MapQuest es un servicio muy malo!”



Blogger Lorna said...

I always have the same worry about fireworks---comes from watching A Christmas Story too many times.

7/04/2005 11:54 AM  
Blogger MCF said...

My conncern comes from firsthand experience. A few years ago at an Italian Feast, I watched a (stupid) grown man put an M80 in a pipe and when it didn't go off, he leaned over to see. There was a crack, a puff of smoke, and suddenly a big crimson blotch where his right eye used to be as he fell back. A second later we heard a crash as our snare drummer fainted from the sight of the blood. Since he was the band leader's son, the leader had to stop to take HIM to the hospital and another trumpet player had to take over directing the rest of us in the procession.

And of course, every year SINCE then, there haven't been fireworks at ANY of the feasts in Brooklyn. I'm not sure how they got away from it to begin with since we have a police escort usually.

7/04/2005 1:37 PM  

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