
Phantasmic Links 6.5.05

I did absolutely NOTHING this weekend.

That's not entirely true, of course. On Friday I lost my appetite for fast food by watching Super Size Me, and found myself nodding in agreement with many portions of the film. I really don't feel well after eating that stuff, and while doctors in the film were skeptical, they couldn't deny the evidence of how sick the protagonist was getting on such a diet. I was also somewhat upset at the way schools approach their lunch menu. They look the other way when kids eat only junk food. I WAS one of those kids not that long ago, just over a decade, but I can see I didn't have the judgment to eat right then. I hate the fact that the schools trust students to make the right choices or assume if they buy junk food that they've brown-bagged something healthy from home. That's VERY irresponsible.

Yesterday I mowed the lawn and watched Species, one of those films that somehow slipped by me, and Species II, one of those films that SHOULD have slipped by me. Species III will be arriving in a few days, so I'll be able to judge the trilogy as a whole. I guess it was mostly today that I did nothing, and my mom commented as much when she got home from work, asking me if I realized that it “wasn't normal”. This was one of the few free weekends on which I won't be playing music until at least October. Last weekend I played FOUR gigs. I work during the week. Personally, I think I need to take a day like this every once in a while to recharge. I guess I'm just from a different generation than my parents. Sure, they appreciate the value of hard work and being productive every second of the day, but I contribute PHANTASMIC LINKS.


I know I'm wrong, but I hate to admit it. Anyway, here's this week's click-fest:

Man, some people can't catch a break. The Clone Wars were rough on this veteran, but then he's no stranger to tragedy.

Karaoke for the deaf, courtesy of Wendy.

The “music video” I watched the most times this week, courtesy of Darrell.

Too much information about animal crackers.

A silly flash video with cats because I feel like it.

Gamics, courtesy of Scriborg's sworn enemy, Picklesuit.

Google Sets, pointed out to me by Curt Happy.

I regret to inform you that all Oceanic Airline flights have been canceled after the tragedy of flight 815. Be sure to examine that first link CAREFULLY, and to use those special numbers...

”Starship Modeler is the complete information resource for the science fiction, factual space, fantasy, mecha and anime scale model builder.”

We all know how I feel about the Best. Artist. Ever.

Finally, we close this week's collection with a critique of comic book fashions.
