
Scriborg & ElectriChirp

"At last! At long last, my supreme powers of electri-scrying have proven advantageous, as I knew they one day would. Who knew, my energized familiar, that it would be so easy? Even with the vast extent of my gaze, my borderline omnipathy, it would have taken eons to locate my foe. Imagine my surprise then, when he revealed his true identity on his BLOG of all places! Did ‘Rough Draft' as he calls himself now think I don't read TheWriteJerry like every other self-respecting blogger? The FOOL!

Soon, ElectriChirp, soon my plans shall come to fruition. He has promised an origin story—can you imagine? Once we have discovered the source of our polar opposite's verbal might, we shall have his weakness, and that of his ebon sidekick as well! Whether he calls himself Green Scribe, Scrawlspark, or Picklesuit, he will not be able to escape us. Charge yourself, my friction-fed feline, for the final battle shall soon be upon us!

When falls Rough Draft and Little Miss Purrrfect, so falls the Blogosphere...."

I hope my regular readers don't mind my indulgence into poorly written supervillain dialogue. I was inspired by the last few posts over at Jerry's, as well as his new Heromachine-powered banner. I've never written comics, but just as the internet allows anyone to blog and let their voice be heard, so too did it allow me to write my own bad stories on message boards and interact with other writers in a hybrid fanfic/RPG for a few years. That impromptu game is actually where the Mysterious Cloaked Figure persona first originated. Originally used as a cover for my “real" message board name, MCF became a character in the RPG and ultimately my new regular nom de web. And that's the origin of that.

Villains must be more fun for the professionals to write than heroes. Marvel villains always got away with the most over-the-top dialogue, and I loved it. I wonder if it will translate to film, if Fantastic Four will boast an egotistical ‘soliloquizing'(™ The Incredibles) Doctor Doom or something more subdued. If they don't go too far with it, they can pull it off. Unbreakable did it. So did the X-men films. Doom's always been one of my favorite villains, so I'm looking forward to seeing him on the big screen, and hoping he lives up to his four-color counterpart.


Blogger Jerry Novick said...

Rough Draft and Little Miss Purrrfect are so going to kick your butt.

6/01/2005 9:34 AM  

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