
Phantasmic Links 3.20.05

His eyes darted furtively from left to right. In the distance, the wind whistled. Somewhere, an old man cleared his throat. Soon, silence prevailed, until there came a mighty pounding of keys signifying the inexorable arrival of the felicitous PHANTASMIC LINKS:

After re-watching The Incredibles, my friend Rey wondered who voiced the character of Mirage. I myself had thought her voice familiar and at one point suspected Marina Sirtis, and so had checked and found it was in fact Elizabeth Peña. When I told him this he didn't recognize her name, and I went on to rattle off her previous roles, including the one I thought most famous, the title character of I Married Dora, a short-lived SitCom that apparently no one in our block of cubicles remembered other than myself. I remembered the overall premise of the show and the development of the main romance, but forgot the memorable ending until I came across it and others.

I spent WAY too much time playing Gold Miner: Special Edition today. In fact, I'm going to stop writing to play right now.

There's another hour of my life lost(stupid level 11). I find games addictive; quizzes too. Darrell at Film Geeks was bitten by the quiz bug, and even made his own: Which Random Item in his Car are You? (I was a Ninja Turtle)

Sometimes, my office is EXACTLY like this. Maybe I should stop eating breakfast at my desk...

Hey! Come back with my letters!

This is one of those sophisticated escape the room games. This one is considerably less sophisticated, but fun in it's own right.

Finally, a Wallace and Gromit movie; I love those guys.

From the sky, it all looks so different.

I love the “anatomy of a trailer” tone of this Hitchhiker's Trailer, especially when it switches to the standard Jim Cummings narration.



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