
PBW: Caumsett Sub-Zero

It has been one cold February, culminating in some brutal snow accumulations. I'm not a fan of the freezing rain we're getting right now either, but if it washes all this snow away, more power to it, especially if a Spring-like March is around the corner. Earlier in the month, before the snow hit, I let my GPS guide me back to Caumsett. I've been there many times of course, more than once for a Photo Blog Wednesday outing, but I wanted to see how my new toy would guide me. It took a shorter route, albeit up some insane winding hill, and when I missed a turn, it led me down a dead-end. If I followed the instructions explicitly, I would have driven in to the woods, so at that point I turned around in the driveway of some rich folks and got the hell back on the roads I was familiar with. And though it was still before the big storm, it was quite freezing that day. I bundled up, and as you look through the photos, perhaps some of you will understand the title of today's post:



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