
Phantasmic Links 4.27.09

My father survived his first Italian band procession since his shoulder infection and nursing home stay back in January, but he didn't make it all the way through. About three songs and two blocks into the gig, he stepped off to the sidewalk. I joined him once we finished the song we were playing and he said he was just having trouble walking. He returned to wait at the church where we started while the rest of us finished the procession. The band leader was understanding, though I could tell my dad was disappointed.

I think it was a case of too much too soon, and I think an unseasonable 95 degrees in April didn't help. He was fine after he rested, but feels depressed and disgusted that he couldn't do more. It takes time to recover, and he's not a kid anymore, so I think his expectations may be a little high. For now, I think he'll be sitting out jobs for the foreseeable future. I'm glad he knew when to drop out, and didn't push himself until he had a heart attack or worse; given my mom's superstition about the April 26th date, my imagination certainly played out a variety of scenarios. Everyone is home and safe now, and apart from a little too much sun, I think my own head is clear enough to gather some PHANTASMIC LINKS:

(1) A man and his mix machine are OUT OF CONTROL. Hawt.
Hat Tip: Rey.

(2) Marvel at the mechanical sculptures of Nemo Gould

(3) A woman opts to send a stripper in her place to her high school reunion. Awesome.

(4) Now you can Trek yourself into a talking Vulcan and other Star Trek characters. I'd post mine, but it changed depressingly little from my actual features, proving my elementary school bullies right...so I used Rey instead:
Create Your Own

(5) Shaper up or ship out in this challenging puzzler.

(6) J.J. Abrams tackles the downside of spoilers and shares an early adventure with Greg Grunberg playing Super Mario Bros. 2...
H.T.: J-No/Rey.

(7) This bar has a train you'll definitely want to catch. Conductor! Beer me!

(8) Be sure to exercise proper manners in your social network of choice.

(9) With this Burger Bed, you can finally have it your way!

(10) Rotatspin will leave you dizzy with delight as you decipher 47 stages and jump your way to safety and your stolen hat.

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Blogger Unknown said...

Man that Vulcan is odd. That weird bit of facial hair is just dead up disconcerting. And yet, I think he's oddly attractive, smooth, logically concise in his truisms and has good bone structure.

Stripper thing: awesome

4/27/2009 8:15 PM  

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