
Out of Darkness

”I do...” murmured a packed church.

“Oh, Church!” lamented the Pastor, pointing out that we could do better. It was our Easter vigil celebration, and we were renewing our baptismal vows. The priest wanted more energy in our response to “Do you reject Satan?” as well as all subsequent questions, and upon being given a second chance we responded with more life.

It was a tough service, nearly two hours on a Saturday night, but an important one. We start out with no lights in the church other than that of our individual candles. At some point we extinguish them, and sit in darkness listening to various songs and gospel readings. Without warning after nearly an hour, all the lights come on and blind us, and the rest of the service plays out like a normal mass, with a few additions such as the baptismal renewal. So, people were tired at that point, despite it being a joyous occasion. It's not about bunnies, or hiding eggs(though the church does sponser an Easter egg hunt for the children), but rather the celebration of our Messiah's rise from the dead.

It always seems to rain on this weekend too, from Good Friday through Holy Saturday. It poured on Saturday morning as I drove out East to celebrate the first birthday of a friend's son. I joked that the lake behind their house was once a field. By the time the party was over, the setting sun was breaking through the clouds, making for a pleasant sky as I drove home to get my folks and head back out to mass. During the candlelight vigil, I noticed what I thought was the setting sun behind only one of the stained glass windows in the church, one depicting a risen Jesus consoling his mother outside his open tomb. As night fell outside, that light never dimmed. Rational thought leads me to believe there's a spotlight on the neighboring school building that persistently backlights that window. Hopeful thought led me to more supernatural and optimistic conclusions.

It's Easter and the Lord is risen. As the rain subsides and the sun breaks free, we leave darkness behind us, literally and metaphorically, until the cycle begins anew.



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