
Can't Stand Ya

Diversity is an important part of humanity. It may cause conflict, but it also keeps life interesting. Things that are popular with some people, may not be as well received by others. Take American Idol, for example. Here's a huge hit, an unstoppable “reality” show juggernaut, and I could care less. There really isn't one Idol; there's one a year. So when I flipped channels after Reaper ended on Tuesday night, expecting to catch a brand new episode of Fringe, I instead had to sit through five minutes of a show that was running long. You'd think it was sports or something. Granted, I did see a kid sing a pretty awesome rendition of Mad World, but that wasn't what I wanted to watch at that time. The next day, as I read various message boards, I came across many complaints from viewers whose recording devices had not caught the whole episode of Fringe because it ran a little later.

I can't rant too much about a minor inconvenience without sounding like one of those opinionated nerds who live to complain online about everything. I'm sure I'm in the minority on this one, as with other things I just don't like. I'm sure plenty of things I like would make other people's “can't stand” lists. In no particular order without any elaboration, here are some things I can't stand:

1) Broccoli.

2) “Reality” Television.

3) Rush.

4) Rosie O'Donnell.

5) Dishonest People.

6) Bill Clinton.

7) Hillary Clinton.

8) Stupidity.

9) Tailgating.

10) Urkel.

11) That Optimum Triple Play commercial with the annoying dancing guy and his guitar.

12) Nails on chalkboard.

13) The high pitched whine of an old-fashioned vacuum cleaner.

14) Vomiting.

15) Sore Throats.

16) Ego.

17) Top 40 “dance” music.

18) Most seafood.

19) The FOX network's tendency to air shows I love, then cancel them.

20) Mornings.

21) The accelerated perception of time that comes with getting older.

22) Getting older.

23) Large crowds, especially in stores.

24) Temperature extremes.

25) And ironically, opinionated nerds who live to complain online about everything.



Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Coincidence

4/09/2009 11:05 AM  
Blogger Krispy said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

4/09/2009 5:33 PM  
Anonymous Darrell said...

Just a few comments:

#4, #6, #7: You and me both, pal.

#14 and #15: Are there people who like these things? ;)

#16: Misread this at first, thought it said "Eggo." As in toaster waffles.

#18: The one area where I'm your polar opposite. I love almost all seafood ... everything but oysters.

4/09/2009 5:34 PM  
Blogger Lorna said...

I'm with you on everything except 3,4,6,7, 18 and 20, but you knew most of that.

4/10/2009 2:04 PM  

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