
Phantasmic Links 4.6.08

Yet another weekend has come and gone with terrifying quickness! I celebrated Palm Sunday on Saturday at a 5:00 mass with a long gospel reading. I helped my dad change the oil in my mom's car and cleared the leaves out of our pachysandra with a leaf blower. I got to the beach to take some photos, got some shopping done for upcoming birthdays and holidays, and went to a dinner party with some old college friends on Saturday night. I even got in a few movies, including Disaster Movie(not remotely as terrible as I expected), Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist(awesome movie), Burn After Reading(decent up to the “tell not show” non-ending), and Futurama: Bender's Game(the best of these direct-to-DVD movies yet). So, I filled my time with a fair balance of fun and productivity, and I think I'm ready to face another work week, once I've compiled this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

(1) This is so true: 6 Baffling Mistakes Every Movie Criminal Makes. I've seen most if not all of the referenced films, and I'm not sure they would have been as entertaining if the bad guys hadn't made some of those moves...
Hat Tip: Darrell.

(2) A real (scary) ninja turtle surprises a pigeon.

(3) Civiballs challenges you to cut chains at the right time in the right order in order to light the torches of various civilizations with fireballs. Yes, it's one of those scenarios...

(4) Check this archive of FREE, legal audio.

(5) High speed photography catches some pretty sick shots. I need to try that one of these days...
H.T.: B13.

(6) Are StrongBad's creators getting lazy and recycling old material for SBEmail segments? Check out their April 1st follow-up.

(7) Here's another good movie list: 6 Most Pointlessly Elaborate Movie Murder Plots. Nobody ever just flat out shoots anybody, at least not main characters. I would give some leeway to the villains who are established lunatics, and probably wouldn't go the logical and/or direct route.
H.T.: Darrell.

(8) Don't throw out those old cassette tapes just yet! They can be art...

(9) Scroll around this insane portrayal of heaven and hell via video game and cartoon avatars..
H.T.: B13.

(10) Finally, Can you find all 22 hidden jokes in time to host a gaming award ceremony?

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



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