This was an interesting weekend. I unloaded a barrage of stress on a variety of fields at my annual paintball outing. I helped my dad out at his lot after a long Winter, tasks which included fixing a crooked gate, raking leaves, trimming hedges, and pulling down vines from a rose bush with thorns that went right through my gloves. I also heard from a lady I worked with at my first job, whom I hadn't seen in almost a decade. She's kept in touch with a number of old coworkers, including apparently my ex-girlfriend since she matter-of-factly volunteered the information that my ex was now the mother of two-year-old twin boys. My gut reaction was to write back, “So you're saying I don't have a shot?”, but of course I didn't do that. The more I thought about it, the more I was happy for her. She left a proofreading job she was miserable in and became a teacher, helping troubled kids. I always knew she'd be a great mother and hearing about her double-blessing confirmed that things worked out the way they were always supposed to, that time was running along the correct path, one I might have altered had I done a few things differently ten years ago. We really can't predict or control our own lives let alone the lives of others. The best bet is to hang on for the ride, especially through bad times, because there could be good things in the future. In our immediate future right now, of course, are this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:
(1) Now that it's all over, we can look back and ask the all important question, ”Who frakked who on Battlestar Galactica?” Hey, why does every theme on that show have to be deep and meaningful?
(10) Finally, slash away at cute creatures to gain powers and survive a Bloody Fun Day.
Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!
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MCF is a mild-mannered
artist from the suburbs.
His knowledge of obscure
comic book characters
is more powerful than Gladiator
of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard on
an ego-trip. Able to leap topics
in a single sentence faster than
a speeder-bike on the moon of
Endor, MCF has never written
about himself in the third person
and now dreads the day he
utters aloud the fateful phrase,
"MCF is gettin' upset!"
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