
Phantasmic Links 6.30.08

As I recall, back when I had a regular gym routine, I had a lot more energy and a clearer mind. I guess after a week back in the gym I shouldn't expect to have that same burst of energy right away. So far, the opposite seems true and I've felt wiped out at night. Time was, a happy hour on Friday night followed by a barbecue early Saturday afternoon and an Italian festival procession late Saturday afternoon wouldn't phase me. After church Sunday morning, I mowed the lawn, and then I was pretty much done. Between the heat and the active days prior, my motivation was all gone. I lay around in front of a fan all day watching movies. I didn't go out and take any pictures, and as I write this a heap of laundry remains at my feet instead of washed and hanging on a line downstairs. Once in a while, as I get older, I guess I need to break my routine and crash in order to recharge. I've got a busy Monday ahead of me at work, and after work I have to play another band gig in the evening. One day of inactivity won't kill me, but in the interest of productivity I can at least pull together some PHANTASMIC LINKS :

(1) Click Myclofigia and help build our city.

(2) This Star Wars® dance competition will leave you speechless. Okay, now I've seen everything...
Hat Tip: Wendy.

(3) Find fine artists online alphabetically.
H.T.: Darrell.

(4) This brilliant short film about “reality” shows will blow your mind. Written by our old friend Curt the Happy Husband, the entire thing was put together in 48 hours for a film competition. See if you can guess who Curt plays in the film; I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.(I'm going to say either Zinnia or Femi...)

(5) These Super Mario Cakes will have you swinging your arms from side to side with hunger. What? Just me?
H.T.: J-No.

(6) In a related story, I present the greatest wallpaper ever.

(7) Japan finds a cure for lonely geeks. Finally.
H.T.: B13.

(8) Ginormo frustrates me because for some reason all the text screens jumble on my machine, and because I'm a bit of a n00b when it comes to moving a character with my mouse; I much prefer arrow keys. That aside, the four levels I was able to get through brought back fond memories of classic 8 bit games. Click away, upgrade your sword, and go medieval on some monsters!

(9) I'm in sheer awe of the characters and creatures this guy can make with origami. Now that's art.
H.T.: Wendy.

(10) Check out hundreds of War of the Worlds covers and enjoy a remarkable variety of design through the years.

(11) Discovering The Lap Dance Workout proves to me that I've probably been going to the wrong gyms.

(12) I think most of the time I lost on Sunday can be blamed on Hedgehog Launch. Help a small country develop their space program by launching a hedgehog into orbit. Upgrade his rockets, launcher, and other cool things after each test run, improving each day until you succeed. My best time was 6 days; can you do better?

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess there is nothing quite like kissing a robot to make you less lonely.....hmmm....are they serious?

6/30/2008 2:20 PM  

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