
Phantasmic Links 4.7.08

I'm scared and happy. I'm sad and relieved. I'm in a state of disbelief. I'm not sure what happened, but I think I bought a car on Sunday and I think I'll be trading in my old one and picking it up on Tuesday. Did I make the right choice? Did any of it really happen? We'll have more on this story as it develops over the course of the week. For now, enjoy some PHANTASMIC LINKS :

(1) Myclofigia is the fastest growing city in the blogosphere! Keep clicking until we're number 1!

(2) Bracket Blogs may well be the best-received idea I've had in years. I'm actually starting to understand the popularity of sports. You still have a few days to vote on blogs and decide who makes it to the next round.

(3) Despite being announced on April 1st, I fully believe a Spawn comic aimed at children is on its way. That 6 page preview sold me!

(4) Mr. T pities the fool that stays in a coma, so he brings a kid out of one.

(5) Rest in peace, Mr. Heston. Agree or disagree with his gun stance, he was one of our great actors and will be missed.

(6) Can you figure out what to do in order to defeat the boss in You Have to Burn the Rope? There must be a clue somewhere...you can always check the walkthrough.

(7) Actually, that boss seems easier to beat than this guy.
Hat Tip: B13

(8) Now THIS is what I call a lock!
H.T.: Rey(Also The Unseen Blogger).

(9) Behold: Matchstick Minas Tirith!
H.T.: J-No

(10) Will I be using Bitstrips to create my own web comic? I just tried, and I have to say it wasn't that funny. Fun, though. I'll be trying again soon.
H.T.: Curt.

(11) ”One of you at this table will betray me...frak!”
H.T.: Rey.

(12) Hedgehog...or Weapon?

(13) I wish I could have seen Niagra Falls frozen. I probably should check them out someday in any condition...

(14) We'll end with some Japanese Heavy Metal. Is he singing “too much rum in my room”?

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Blogger Lorna said...

That's an inspired BG photo layout. I wish I'd watched the new version from the start but it was hard to think that anything good could come of the original. I've put all the seasons on my wish list though and maybe some befuddled millionaire will hit my "buy now" button by mistake

4/07/2008 4:19 AM  
Blogger b13 said...

Dude, is that you at karaoke? Check out the lyrics at the youtube page... LOL!


4/07/2008 11:25 AM  

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