
Phantasmic Links 7.9.07

It's getting hot out there! I eventually made it out to the shore when things cooled down on Sunday afternoon, but I spent the better portion of the day cleaning my room and watching The Lost Room, a miniseries with one of the best science fiction mythologies and brilliant concepts I've seen in a long time. As for my own room, I take pleasure in knowing how much I threw away, even though the room looks exactly the same. I really came across a lot of things I didn't know I had, that I must have absently tossed aside to look at later and never got back to. Everything from expired coupons to internet service provider CDs begging me to switch back to my old dial-up service. I even had an internet CD addressed to my uncle, and vaguely remember him passing it along to me years ago when I first got a computer. I feel productive, but I have so much stuff that I've only scratched the surface. Somewhere in here is my own lost room, and someday I'll find it, but for now I'll find this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

Someone has a crush on Obama? Hat tip: Rey.

Now kids can make their own Marvel stop motion movies. Cool! HT: Curt.

7-11 is converting 12 of their stores to Kwik-E-Marts! HT: B13. Darrell also sent me links on this one as well, here and here, and I found some shots of the one in Manhattan. I love the attention to detail. Frostillicus? That's just awesome.

Someone cracked Linkin Park's formula, but I've still been digging their latest singles. HT: Sean.

A man disguised as a tree robbed a bank. Customers in that branch knew to leaf him alone. Sorry.

These are 10 politically incorrect truths about human nature. Do you agree with them?

The new Seven Wonders of the World have been named. Do you agree with these choices?

The search for a cancer cure leads to a possible new power source. Science's best discoveries are sometimes accidental.
HT: B13

The Apple evolves.

How much will your corpse be worth? I'll be worth $5,490. I don't know if that factors in inflation...

Ever wonder what an exploding fireworks factory might look like? HT: B13

Inside out teddy bears are adorable and will scare your kids.

Gobots are watching over you. I think this trailer proves the inferior franchise once and for all...

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Blogger Lorna said...

I love everything i see Peter Krause in, so I have to rent this mini-series.

I think that the 7 or 8 Wonders of the world should have included Banff, but that could be nationalist jingoism on my part....

7/09/2007 4:52 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The politically incorrect comments are tripe.

the 7 wonders: is this New vs Old or New replacing Old? If the latter why not "The 14 wonders of the World"? Humans, bah.

7/10/2007 12:05 PM  

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