
M.C.F.A.T. Volume XV

Hey now! It's time for the FIFTEENTH edition of the Mysterious Cloaked Figure's Astonishing Test! Chik Chik Chikaahhhh!

1) Your life is going to be a graphic novel. Who's writing it, and who's drawing it?

2) Weather patterns are shifting every year. Wars are exploding across the globe. When and how do you see the world coming to an end?

3) What, if anything, would turn you into a supervillain?

4) Let's try another showdown question: TMNT vs. The Kurgan; who wins?

SPECIAL BONUS QUESTION: The year is 3994. What’s a Mok?

I think these might be easier questions, with the possible exception of #2. You have one week to consider these questions and post your answers at your respective blogs. Next Tuesday I'll link to your answers and share answers of my own. Good answering, and good luck.



Blogger Darrell said...

Me first. I just got in after working the graveyard shift. I'm tired and feeling kinda drugged, so don't expect much.

8/01/2006 9:11 AM  

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