
M.C.F.A.T. Volume XIII

Today's your lucky day, and not because copyright violation week is finally over. Yes, the blogosphere can breathe a collective sigh of relief that no one will ever borrow someone else's intellectual property again. I know people were seriously concerned. Today is lucky because of the number “13”, as in a surprise THIRTEENTH edition of the Mysterious Cloaked Figure's Astonishing Test, and a great way to start the weekend:

1) What were some of your scariest vehicular experiences, either behind the wheel or as a passenger?

2) Are you going anywhere fun this Summer, and does Summer even mean the same to you as it did when you were younger?

3) What was your favorite childhood toy, and how did it influence you over the course of your life?

4) Speaking of childhoods, since I cast a Thundercats movie, Rey cast a Dungeons & Dragons movie, and Wendy made a comment about casting Atlas Shrugged, now it's your turn. Choose a cartoon, novel or other favorite work of fiction that's never been made into a movie, and tell us who you'd like to see star in it. If you're among those who’ve done this exercise before, of course you can do it again with something different.

5) Your Current Age/2 = A
A + (A/2) = B
Your Current Age = C

What was your favorite pizza topping at A, B, and C respectively?(Providing the numeric values of A, B, and C is of course optional).

SPECIAL BONUS QUESTION: If you could know one thing about MCF that you didn't, what would it be?

You have one week to consider these questions and post your answers at your respective blogs. Next Friday I'll link to your answers and share answers of my own.



Blogger The Unseen One said...

Le Done

Had a hard time working you know who into this one. ;)

6/09/2006 3:21 PM  
Blogger Lorna said...

I've also finished, and I'm late, and I'm still HTMLnoteless. Nonetheless, I had fun.

6/11/2006 11:24 PM  

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