
Phantasmic Links 12.18.05

This has been a strange day. My mother and I returned from church to find my dad shuffling around the kitchen with one of his old automotive tools, a metal rod with a swiveling magnet tip. Apparently while hanging some Christmas decorations in the kitchen, he dropped a thumbtack. In order to ascertain where it bounced, he decided to drop a second one. We arrived to find him in the process of looking for, of course, TWO tacks.

My mom swept. I pulled the refrigerator out. The flashlight proved inadequate but I did the best I could to look behind and under furniture. My dad insisted that with socks on, he would have felt it if he kicked a tack anywhere. Neither parent would let me move the stove, for fear of breaking a gas line. In the midst of the mayhem, my dad mentioned that my mom's friend had called while we were out, and said she'd be over in fifteen minutes with presents. There's nothing like a little pressure.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. My dad was moping in a chair, because my mom had scolded him for putting out too many decorations and he had called her a “scrooge”. I called in to my mom in the other room that her company had arrived. When I walked back down the hall, my dad was still sitting in the chair. “What? No one knocked yet?” asked a partially deaf 75-year-old man. I ran and opened the door, seeing no one though more urgent knocking had just ensued. I looked down to see the little girl next door, who breathlessly explained that her mommy was packing things and needed boxes and newspapers. As I went to the basement to look for boxes, I heard my dad telling her “Go behind the liquor store. There's plenty of boxes there!” After she left with the boxes and newspapers we were able to spare, I questioned his advice. “I didn't mean for HER to go...she'll tell her parents to look there.” It sure didn't sound that way to me.

My mom's friend arrived soon after, and along with the gifts had some old watercolor paintings my mom had made when they worked together at the phone company in their early twenties. After she left, I watched some movies, felt a little drowsy, and then suddenly four hours of the day were gone and I was dizzy. Now, a few hours after dinner and after a quick trip to the post office and it's overstuffed mailbox, I'm wide awake and clearheaded. I should go to sleep though because tomorrow is the start of another work week. Before I do, here are this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

”Pass the CHRONIC--WHAT?! I caught this by accident last night, and had to find it online to share with the world. Does anyone know when that show got funny again? Apparently this bit was the creation of a Channel 101 alumnus...

Ever wonder what was inside your favorite cartoons? Hat tip to Rey.

Dosetaker brings a heartwarming new GROW game, just in time for Christmas.

People who get both references in this comic are my kind of people.

It's about time that Star Wars® was redone with bunnies. Thanks, Sarcasmo!

Darrell loses some of us in translation, and hilarity ensues.

I'm not one to brag, but check out this video of my Christmas lights!

I am Eeyore
Which DISNEY character are you most like? brought to you by Quizilla
I found this at Kev's.



Blogger Kelly said...

So .......... did you ever find the tacks??

12/19/2005 5:52 AM  
Blogger MCF said...

Whoops, I knew there was something I forgot. Guess I went off on a tangent and never came back.

I managed to see one under the stove with the flashlight, and reach it with my dad's magnet. We never found the second one but he eventually told me not to worry about it, that if we haven't found it then it's nowhere we would step on it.

12/19/2005 9:43 AM  
Blogger Janet said...

Kelly stole my question. I thought I missed something but then again, I'm used to stories with tangents. I teach third grade, remember?:)

12/19/2005 5:37 PM  

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