
Phantasmic Links 7.10.05

I can't say today wasn't interesting.

First, I got up at the ironically ungodly hour of 6:45 AM to go to church with my dad, which is always fun. He drove like a maniac because I was two minutes later than the time he wanted to leave, and he likes to get there 20 minutes before mass starts to meditate and, as he half-jokes, so nobody takes his seat. That man is a serious creature of tradition or habit or something. After mass I had enough time to nap for an hour before I had to be at my gig. I decided to take an alternate route that I suspected would be shorter but should have realized would lead to a long dead end that wasn't marked until I was a half-mile into it.

Despite the loss of time, I managed to arrive at the park where we were supposed to meet on time, only to find no signs of life. After driving around a bit I saw someone with the same black ball cap this band uses asking some people for directions. I followed him down a dirt road concealed by some trees, which emerged into a parking lot where the rest of the band was waiting. Behind a nearby building a large crowd of Italians had gathered to picnic, and it was like no feast I've ever played. There were no rides or food stands. Instead families had brought coolers of food and drinks along with old school charcoal grills, and were cooking for themselves.

Even more interesting, while most of these societies have members to carry a statue of a saint around, the guy running this event got on a microphone and asked for volunteers to make DONATIONS in order for the privilege of lugging the thing around the park. As you might imagine, this took some time and most of it we were standing around. Finally we had our “procession” which was literally walking in a circle around the edge of the park. Afterwards the guy who hired us made us go with him from table to table while he asked for more donations, and he had people make requests. The problem is, this wasn't a request band and most of the guys could only play the music we had to read. I knew a lot of the songs by memory from the other band I belong to, and at some point the band leader kept looking to me to start off each song, and everyone else picked it up and followed me. The people were somewhat rude, telling the guy we shouldn't be paid, and he kept apologizing that “this band don't know nothing.” After we hit every table, a DJ arrived to play CDs so we theoretically should have been done. We had to sit and wait for our boss to get paid. Finally we were dismissed and the boss thanked me profusely, joking that he should pay me double(not that I would have accepted it).

I got home around six and finished watching the second of two movies I'd gotten this weekend, which I may discuss later this week. I headed out to return the movies and pick up some dinner since my folks were at a party, and five paces from my locked door I realized I'd left both the keys to the house and my car, which needed gas, inside. With my parents too many towns away to come home if I called them on their cell phone, I had no recourse but to break in by--

Wait. What am I doing? You folks don't want to hear about my day, especially not on Sunday. That's not what you came here for. I'll have to finish this story and tell the one about the rabbit in the middle of the road another day, since I've kept you waiting long enough for this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

Directors reveal their top ten movies. I bet they'd be fun at a Blog Party. Also at Swimming in Champaign this week, a potential new Joker.

Not only was this cartoon before my time, but I've never heard of it. That's a rare thing, especially given how bizarre and obscure this version of the character is.

Statler and Waldorf review movies? Hat tip to Solonor's Ink Well.

Too soon? I'd say so...

Here's something my parents never did for me....

Hey kids! Now you can battle the evils of terrorism with your very own G.W.B. action figure with Noo-cue-lar™ power punch! Or thrill to the perks of office with the rare William J. Clinton(intern sold separately). Look out, Willie! Here comes Hillary! Toy Presidents--gotta catch ‘em all! Act now and for a limited time pre-order your very own Moses! (Hmm...Now I'm not sure how authentic all the sound clips are...)




Blogger Jerry Novick said...

the "too soon" link is dead...

too soon for what?

7/11/2005 9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Link still works for me. In case anyone else can't see it, Oliver Stone is making a 911 movie starring Nic Cage. Focuses on people buried in the towers and the efforts of heros that day.

7/11/2005 10:04 AM  

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