
MCF Libs

What are MCF Libs, you might ask? They're almost identical to Mad Libs, except they're created using excerpts from my own writing! Below I will list three blocks of copy, with various NOUNS, VERBS, ADJECTIVES and other words removed. Replace them with random words of your own, and click each block to compare with the originals:


I know I was wildly [ADJECTIVE] in that [PLACE], and that even my “friends” [PAST TENSE VERB] on me, but I never kept a list of specific [PLURAL NOUN]. Granted, things like the guy who [PAST TENSE VERB] me in the [NOUN] several times or the kids who tried to force [VERB] me [NOUN] are going to stick. But all the other dumb kid stuff like playing [GAME] is just one massive jumble. It made me realize that I don't live in the [PLACE] as much as I think I do, and that may be why I'm more [ADJECTIVE] and [ADJECTIVE] than I technically should be.



I just remembered: I saw a child [VERB] a pig on Saturday at that [NOUN] party. My friend told me that it's a [RACE, REAL OR FICTITIOUS] tradition to have a [ADJECTIVE] pig on special occasions, and I do remember one turning on a spit at his daughter's [EVENT] last year. I got some pictures of the [ADJECTIVE] pig, before my friend's brother began instructing one of their younger cousins, who was brandishing a wide [NOUN]. His brother works in a [PLACE], and described in cold, medical detail where to feel for the soft spot on the [BODY PART] that would guarantee a clean [NOUN]. The kid raised the [NOUN], and I turned away as it came down and pig [PLURAL NOUN] soared into the air. A few minutes later I got a great shot of my buddy holding the pig's [NOUN] on a styrofoam [NOUN].



So that's me--extraordinary bad [NOUN], and a passion for all the great [PLURAL NOUN] and [PLURAL NOUN] available, from [PLURAL NOUN] to [PLURAL NOUN] to [PLURAL NOUN]. These posts won't all be as [ADJECTIVE] as this one, and many will be about nothing at all. If there's one thing I took from my [TIME PERIOD] it was that love of [NOUN] and [NOUN], and my high school notebooks margin [PLURAL NOUN] tended to spill over and [VERB] my notes


And of course, I'll try the exercise myself:

[ADJECTIVE]: moist
[PLACE]: comic book store
[PAST TENSE VERB]: shredded
[PLURAL NOUN]: bottles
[NOUN]: box
[VERB]: drink
[NOUN]: shirt
[GAME]: tag
[PLACE]: office
[ADJECTIVE]: cluttered
[ADJECTIVE]: hairy

I know I was wildly MOIST in that COMIC BOOK STORE, and that even my “friends” SHREDDED on me, but I never kept a list of specific BOTTLES. Granted, things like the guy who SHOT me in the BOX several times or the kids who tried to force DRINK me SHIRT are going to stick. But all the other dumb kid stuff like playing TAG is just one massive jumble. It made me realize that I don't live in the OFFICE as much as I think I do, and that may be why I'm more CLUTTERED and HAIRY than I technically should be.


[VERB]: save
[NOUN]: desk
[ADJECTIVE]: sticky
[EVENT]: inauguration
[ADJECTIVE]: dusty
[NOUN]: mouse
[PLACE]: bathroom
[BODY PART]: spleen
[NOUN]: computer
[NOUN]: basket
[PLURAL NOUN]: staples
[NOUN]: bus
[NOUN]: lake

I just remembered: I saw a child SAVE a pig on Saturday at that DESK party. My friend told me that it's a MARTIAN tradition to have a STICKY pig on special occasions, and I do remember one turning on a spit at his daughter's INAUGURATION last year. I got some pictures of the DUSTY pig, before my friend's brother began instructing one of their younger cousins, who was brandishing a wide MOUSE. His brother works in a BATHROOM, and described in cold, medical detail where to feel for the soft spot on the SPLEEN that would guarantee a clean COMPUTER. The kid raised the BASKET, and I turned away as it came down and pig STAPLES soared into the air. A few minutes later I got a great shot of my buddy holding the pig's BUS on a styrofoam LAKE.


[NOUN]: camera
[PLURAL NOUN]: kittens
[PLURAL NOUN]: shoes
[PLURAL NOUN]: chairs
[PLURAL NOUN]: socks
[PLURAL NOUN]: speakers
[ADJECTIVE]: itchy
[TIME PERIOD]: depression
[NOUN]: paper
[NOUN]: hat
[PLURAL NOUN]: programs
[VERB]: punch

So that's me--extraordinary bad CAMERA, and a passion for all the great KITTENS and SHOES available, from CHAIRS to SOCKS to SPEAKERS. These posts won't all be as ITCHY as this one, and many will be about nothing at all. If there's one thing I took from my DEPRESSION it was that love of PAPER and HAT, and my high school notebooks margin PROGRAMS tended to spill over and PUNCH my notes


Hmmmmm......let's see what you come up with....



Blogger Lyndon said...

I'd like to participate. But this is just way to complicated for my little pea brain :)

12/05/2009 2:55 AM  
Anonymous Krispy said...

I did it the correct way, coming up with the words first and then putting them in place:

"I know I was wildly HORNY in that NURSING HOME, and that even my “friends” SPAT on me, but I never kept a list of specific COCONUTS. Granted, things like the guy who MOPPED me in the CIGAR BOX several times or the kids who tried to force SUCKLE my LILLY are going to stick. But all the other dumb kid stuff like playing FALLOUT 3 is just one massive jumble. It made me realize that I don't live in the DENVER as much as I think I do, and that may be why I'm more SMELLY and SENSITIVE than I technically should be."

12/05/2009 5:13 AM  
Anonymous Krispy said...

Oh, and for the record, I've always thought that you were at exactly the right level of smelliness and sensitivity.

12/05/2009 5:17 AM  
Blogger Lorna said...

ingenious post---i'll have to come back

12/07/2009 7:26 PM  

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