
T.I.L.T. Things I've Learned Thursday XXIII

I am all about acronyms. That's what you've learned, if you haven't already. Here are some Things I've Learned Thursday:

* I used to think the worst movie Cameron Diaz was in was The Sweetest Thing, until I saw Head Above Water this week, a pointless black comedy that changes focus and tone in an attempt to be twisty, only to end up an uneven mess.

* By the way, the term ”Black comedy” refers to a film dealing with events of a serious nature, contrasted with a subtle humorous undertone. It does not refer to films such as Barbershop, Friday, or House Party 2, comedies with a predominantly African American cast.

* When the weather forecast calls for 1-3 inches of snow in most areas, with a slight chance of 3-6 inches in some areas, the latter areas are my driveway.

* If the door to your office building is locked at 9 AM after a snowstorm and the parking lot is full, pull harder. It may just be frozen and you'll save the time and steps needed to walk around to the next entrance.

* David Lee Roth was asking if you've ”seen junior's grades and not his ”grits”, no matter what your ears might have told you.

* Had I gone to New Jersey to see Metallica, I might have seen Lars get hit in the head by a black beach ball that fell prematurely from the rafters. It's fun to laugh at Lars; he's like the MCF of the group, but with no artistic talent.

* I was surprised when a woman at work asked me if the gas station up the road would carry wiper fluid and be able to install it for her. Not everyone's father was a mechanic like mine, and I take things for granted. Some people may go through life without ever popping their own hood.

* I have a theory that cardiovascular exercise may reduce the impact of the common cold. Rather than skip the gym as I've been under the weather this week, I've pushed through. Perhaps, just as my father told me to “floor it” and clean out the carbon in my car's engine, by increasing my blood flow I can increase the speed of white blood cells to battle germs. This is more of a thing I'm in the process of learning, but based on precedent I've gone an entire year without getting sick when I was running most regularly. I haven't collapsed yet, between the gym and intense snow shoveling, so I'm sure I'm going to be just fi



Blogger Lorna said...

"The Sweetest Thing" had absolutely no redeeming qualities, so because I love Cameron Diaz and always give people the benefit of the doubt, I was double-whammied by the awfulness of "In her shoes". Still, every time I think of "Being John Malkovic" and some of the cross-dressing scenes in the Charlie's Angels movies, I remember what a talent she has and just wish she'd use it for good. Oh, and "My Best Friend's Wedding"---scene of my favourite musical number ever....

2/05/2009 11:21 AM  
Blogger SwanShadow said...

Determining the worst Cameron Diaz movie is a bit like figuring out which kind of cancer you'd like to have. At some point, there's just no value in trying. :)

I would, however, throw a little thing called Keys to Tulsa into the mix. I had the misfortune of reviewing this snoozefest a few years back, and the nasty taste still lingers in my mouth.

FWIW, the only movie Cameron Diaz was in that I actually enjoyed was Minority Report. Her (uncredited) role in that was so minuscule that she didn't have time to ruin the whole movie for me.

2/06/2009 5:49 PM  
Blogger MCF said...

I liked her in The Mask, There's Something About Mary, and A Life Less Ordinary. She was also good in Gangs of New York, almost unrecognizable. And I have to admit to liking her in the first Charlies Angels, although a lot of that has to do with her dancing around in Spider-Man underwear.

What gets me about some of the bad movies is that it's not just her...like she costarred with Harvey Keitel in Head Above Water, and it might be one of the worst things HE'S ever done. Honestly, the best performance in that film was by Billy Zane, and that speaks volumes.

2/06/2009 8:34 PM  

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