
Hindsight Beyond Sight

If I thought my office was going to be open on time, or at all, on Wednesday, I would have woken up earlier and called the emergency number sooner.

If I knew the snow was definitely going to turn into rain later in the day, I might not have spent an hour shoveling a driveway that regained an inch of snow by the time I finished getting rid of the initial 2 or 3 inches.

If it occurred to me that my bosses would all encounter the same weather related days as I would, I might have taken the time to shave or eat breakfast instead of running in, showering, and running right back out.

If I wasn't in such a rush, I might have taken an alternate route and avoided a particularly challenging and slick hill that my car almost didn't make it to the top of.

If I didn't rush out of the cafeteria to a meeting an hour early because I was mistaken about the time, I might have had a more relaxing lunch.

If I looked and had seen tar or grease on one of the wheels of the wheelchair I sit in when I visit my dad at the nursing home, I might have avoided a black, sticky palm.

If doctors had surgically removed the ganglion cyst from my father's shoulder when it first popped up four years ago, he might have avoided the life-threatening infection that he's spent the past month battling.

If the new Knight Rider had started out with the streamlined cast it now has after last week's status quo shaking KARR episode, it might have had better ratings.

If everyone who bailed on Lost as far back as the first season had stuck around, they would have been rewarded with huge twists and mind blowing revelations.

If I sat down at the computer and started writing sooner, I might have had time to prepare a post for Friday as well, since I don't know how late I'll be getting home after the METALLICA concert!

And of course...

If Woody had gone straight to the police, none of this would have ever happened.

”Hindsight is always 20/20; looking back it's still a bit fuzzy.” -Megadeth, “Sweating Bullets”


Blogger Lorna said...

If I hadn't wanted to watch "Big Love" at 2:00a.m., I might not have had this insight into your improbability issues

1/29/2009 1:45 AM  
Blogger b13 said...

"have" happened... ;)

If I had contacted NYCC sooner i would have had a free pass for professionals :(

Maybe next year.

1/29/2009 10:19 AM  

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