
Fitty Q

Kev Bayer posted the following Fifty Questions:

1) How do you like your grilled cheese?
My mom used to make it for lunch every day when I was in elementary school, until I couldn't stand it anymore. I used to love it, and it's been years since I had it. I liked the edges slightly burned, and I liked that she'd put a dollop of ketchup under the cheese before putting it in the toaster oven.

2) Where did you go on your last vacation?
Defined as staying someplace overnight other than home, I'd have to say my 2006 NASCAR excursion. Defined as time off from work, which is where I'm at right now, so far I've been bar hopping with friends from my old job, to my uncle's house, to another bar to meet some old neighborhood friends I haven't seen in fifteen years, to play in a holiday parade, and I'll probably be doing some photography, shopping, and maybe catch a movie before the long weekend is out.

3) Who are your godparents?
My “Uncle” Dean, who was my dad's friend who fixed him up with my mom, and my “Aunt” Eileen, who used to work at the phone company with my mom, was friends with Uncle Dean, and fixed my mom up with my dad. I'm not sure who I would have had to live with if anything ever happened to my parents since my godparents weren't actually a couple and were married or with other people, but thankfully nothing ever did happen to my parents.

4) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I'd love to be in my own house by then, and obviously I'd like to still be employed. Hopefully I'll still be at my current job, having gotten five years' worth of decent raises and/or promotions. If not, 5 years is probably the right amount of time to start looking for a better position in another company. I guess it depends on the economy, and how comfortable I've gotten. It took getting laid off to give me the kick I needed to upgrade last time.

5) Where are you at noon everyday?
During the week, I'm sitting at my desk trying to work as my mind wanders to where I'll be going to lunch, and how conducive the weather is to walking. On a Saturday I'm usually running errands if I'm not at a parade or feast, and on Sunday I'm usually out taking photos or at a movie if I'm not at a parade or feast.

6) How many speeding tickets have you gotten?
After that one, I've been extremely careful, keeping my eyes peeled for police cars and never letting the speedometer get much higher than 5-10 MPH over the limit.

7-14) Why do these questionnaires always skip some numbers? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
I think they originate on social networks, where the youth of America can't be bothered to know math or count. Also, I think as these things get passed around, sometimes people skip questions they don't want to answer, and the next person picks up the truncated version, and so on. In the past, I've actually tried to trace the meme thread back to the source and retrieve the original questions, but these days I find that to be too much trouble.

15) When was the last time you swam?
I never really learned how. In high school I got to the point where I could propel myself as long as I had a life jacket on, but I've only been to beaches or water parks a handful of times since then in my early 20s. I remember taking my girlfriend to a beach and using my weakness as an excuse to pull her top off when she tried to help me up. It's funny how hindsight keeps explaining the actions that let to me still being single. The last time I was in the ocean a few years after that incident, a wave and an undertow pulled me out about thirty feet and I'm lucky I didn't drown. That was about 10 years ago, and I don't think I've been in the water since.

16) What do you order at Subway?
I always order a six inch hero on Italian herbs and cheese bread, usually their Spicy Italian, Subway Melt, or Chicken and Bacon Ranch. All of these items are from their toasted menu, and yet they always ask if I want it toasted. I've learned to just accept that they're never going to do it automatically, and find amusement when people behind me on line have trouble with the server's accent and reply, “Yes, that's to stay.”

17) Do you keep your closets organized?
Sort of. Jackets and dress pants are on the left, followed by dress shirts, followed by nicer jackets in plastic bags, and the top shelves include all the folders of my homework assignments and textbooks from high school. The beam in my closet is usually full, and I've acquired more clothes than actually fit over the years, so many hang from door knobs and additional metal hooks that fit over the top of doors. I also have piles of shirts, sweaters, jeans, and other clothes stacked on my radiator, since my dresser filled up a few years ago too. I really need to either part with some things, or get a house.

18) How do you make headaches go away?
I try to ignore them until they get bored and leave me alone, but sometimes that just makes it worse.

19) Have you owned a Beta before?
No, and I'm pretty sure VCRs were around for at least five years before my parents bought our first one.

20) If you moved out of state where would you go?
I don't know that I ever would leave New York, but I suppose if I did I wouldn't venture much further than New Jersey, Connecticut, or Eastern Pennsylvania. I'd still need to be in driving distance to Long Island, where the majority of my family and friends reside.

21) Another skipped number?
It sure looks that way. Thank you, social networkers.

22) Did you attend pre-school?
Yes, for a few months before starting Kindergarten. I have a vague impression of a room with green walls, beige carpeting, and blocks, and my mom always tells the story of how I came home repeating the word “butt” because I heard some girl use it and everyone else laughed. At the time, my mom wasn't amused. Now when she brings up the story, she thinks it's funnier than I do.

23) What do your shower curtains look like?
They're a solid light blue, to match the tiles in the bathroom.

24) Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?
Believe it or not, I had actual friends. When I was playing by myself, I usually ascribed personalities and back stories for all of my toys, so I suppose that's the closest to an imaginary friend. I somehow avoided that phase some kids go through in which they freak out if someone sits in an empty chair they think is occupied.

25) How do you make eggs?
Ask a hen, or a farmer if you want an answer in words. I usually crack the things open and scramble them with some cheese.

26) Where do you wash your clothes?
In the washing machine in my parents' basement.

27) Can't these people count?
Yes, there was no “27” either, and clearly they cannot, as evidenced by the lack of a “7-14” and a “21”. I do sometimes wonder if there's any code or hidden meaning the missing digits, but I've yet to find one. If the pattern were multiples of 7, “8-13” would not have been omitted and “28” would have been the next missing number. I stand by my original assessment that these kids can't count and/or some questions are lost in the grapevine over time.

28) Who are the neighbors who live to the right of you?
The guy that lives there now with his wife and three kids bought the house he grew up in from his parents, and was a teenager when I was a kid. I used to play with his nephews before his brother died and that family moved out. He's a good guy, keeps his trees trimmed, fence maintained, and sometimes helps us shovel snow.

29) What are your thoughts on Tom Cruise?
I like Tom Cruise as an actor and have enjoyed most of his films, but as a person I think he's more than a bit wacky. My religious beliefs date back thousands of years, while his include aliens and were written mere decades ago by a Science Fiction author. Also, jumping up and down on a couch to convince people he loves his too young female bride? Not too convincing...

30) What is the next vehicle you wish to buy?
I just bought my first new(ish) car about nine months ago, so I'm not even thinking about a vehicle yet.

31) Do you pay bills online or by mail?
I write a check each month for my credit card bill since that's how my mom does it and she taught me. Since all my other bills are online things charged to the card like internet service, gym membership, or Netflix, sitting down on the first of each month to write that check insures that I actually look at the charges, and take a tangible action in addressing them.

32) What would be the best gift someone could get you right now?
A house, although that would just bring in more bills and more work. I'm going to ask for a spine, instead.

33) What is something stressful you will deal with next week?
My work itself won't be stressful, since after a few busy months during our biggest sweepstakes season things have finally quieted down again, but I think just getting back into a work mindset after so many days off will be stressful initially.

34) What is something in your home that you collect?
Dust. Probably the only other thing I've brought in here regularly since I quit my comic book habit 11 years ago are DVDs, and as I look around at the stacks of that nearly obsolete technology, I somewhat regret that habit as well. I'm at a point in my life and crowded room that I want more space and less material objects.

35) What did you do last night?
Friday night I went drinking with friends I grew up with that I haven't seen in fifteen years. On Saturday night, I played in a holiday parade with one of my Italian bands.

36) Who did you last see?
My cat.

37) How do you take your coffee?
I cut out caffeine nearly a year ago and I've never felt better. When I was taking advantage of my company's free coffee policy, I usually had three sugars and some milk with it.

38) What is the oldest thing in your fridge?
My mom has a habit of stocking up on ketchup, BBQ sauce, and other condiments when we go to fast food restaurants. There's a small plastic basket in the refrigerator, and since I don't use ketchup that much at home and grab from the top of that basket when I do, I imagine the ones on the bottom of the basket tend to stay there for some time. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that's one of the problems she addresses when she cleans, and I can't think of anything else that would stay in there that long.

39) On your keyboard what key is wearing out from pressing it so much?
Probably the space bar, between typing and games.

40) Where do you put your keys when you come home?
On top of my desk.

41) Where do you go for Thanksgiving?
Since my uncle is getting forgetful in his old age, and my mom was worried about him driving, she made food and we brought it to his apartment this year, rather than having him over our house.

42) How old will you you be in 2010?
I'll be 35 for most of 2010 until November, when I turn 36. I'm glad this question wasn't about 2014; my 30s are going too fast as it is.

43) What actor or actress would play you in a movie?
Ideally, John Cusack. Realistically, Rob Schneider.

44) How much cash is in your wallet?

45) Would you have a one night stand with your favorite movie star?
Would she have one with me?

46) What color is your phone?
The land line in my room is black, the one in our kitchen is white, and my cell is gray.

47) If you were starving to death would you eat a pet?
Oh HELL no. I'd die first.

48) Ever been to Alabama?
No, and may I add this is quite the random inquiry. I wonder if the person who first wrote these questions was in Alabama? Now I almost want to trace back the meme....

49) What kind of accent do you have?
Nasal Eastern American, somewhat like Pidge.

50) What kind of alcoholic drinks are in your fridge right now?
Absolutely nothing. Somewhere in the house are wine bottles people have given us as gifts over the years, but my dad has never had a drop of alcohol in his life and my mom never had anything stronger than wine, and not in about 30 or 40 years. I only drink when I go out with friends, and usually pace myself and make one or two beers last, since I'll eventually have to drive home.


Blogger b13 said...

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11/30/2008 1:42 AM  
Blogger b13 said...

Questions and comments about your questions and comments:

1. Wait, grilled cheese needs to be GRILLED... not toasted ;)

4. Five years? Lets make it past 2012 first, ok?

34. We did some housecleaning this weekend to make space in our house. Let me know if you need help sorting through stuff. ;)

44. Is lunch on you tomorrow? :)

50. Ok, if you have some old bottles of wine that are not getting drunk, you have to bring that junk over to share over some cheese and crackers or a nice steak dinner! I'll supply the cheese, crackers and steak... you bring a nice bottle of two of red. We'll watch some flicks and make a night of it.

11/30/2008 1:43 AM  
Blogger MCF said...

Did I misplace a decimal AGAIN? I meant $1.33... ;)

11/30/2008 9:20 AM  
Blogger Lyndon said...

It's a nice meme, but I would have loved to know the questions that got skipped.

11/30/2008 2:24 PM  

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