
Phantasmic Links 5.26.08

Memorial Day weekend can be rough. After a brief respite Friday night to see the latest adventure of Indiana Jones, it was time to buckle down and get to work. Saturday was a beautiful day, gorgeous weather for a three hour procession with refreshments. I hit a bit of a snag on Sunday morning, however, when improbability stepped in. I remember seeing my favorite sunglasses on top of my keyboards. I remember reaching for a tie on the top shelf of my desk, only to find it weighted down by various bits of junk. I remember tugging at the tie, causing an avalanche of keys, loose change, bits of plastic, and other assorted items toppling behind my desk to get caught in the wires from my computer. After a bit of a tantrum, I managed to pick most things up, only to notice my shades were conspicuously absent. I searched in vain, but the clock was ticking and I had a parade to get to. My dad offered me a pair of lightly tinted old man glasses, not understanding that I needed my glasses, whose mirrored surface hides my eyes so I'm free to look at pretty girls on the sidelines while we walk down the street.

Um, I mean to protect my eyes from deadly ultraviolet rays.

In any case, they still haven't turned up, and it's frustrating that I'm losing my once decent memory at such a relatively young age. I find myself relying more and more on lists and calendars. Such is life, which does take things away over time. I still have two more parades to play and a lawn to cut before this long weekend is over. It will be nice to get back to my office and sedentary lifestyle. It's hard to believe that I have one free weekend before the end of August; truly Summer has begun. I'll just grab a quick break here and find some PHANTASMIC LINKS :

(1) Click Myclofigia and help build our city. 340 strong, and growing...

(2) Is your baby too loud? Does it cry and keep you up at night? Are the expenses of caring for an infant too great in this $4.00-a-gallon-gasoline world? Have you considered selling it on eBay?

(3) Need to fight crime as colorfully and unconventionally as possible? Then you need to visit the Brooklyn Superhero Supply.
Hat Tip: J-No.

(4) Witness an elaborate device Creme that Egg!
H.T.: Curt.

(5) Can a Pac-Man movie really be in the works? Is it sad that I'd see it no matter how bad it looked?

(6) Life imitates art when children's drawings are brought to life.

(7) A blogger dedicates himself to growing every beard type. I've only had about six; who knew there were so many?

(8) Ever wonder from where some of those terms you've heard around the office originated? Wonder no more.
H.T.: Sean.

(9) Show me the way to go home. I'm tired and I want to go to bed. Ah screw it, I'll just sleep here.

(10) Crumbs may be the diet I'm looking for. I can eat as many (virtual) cookies as I want without gaining a pound!

(11) Boomstick is simple yet challenging. Shoot enemies and collect ammo, but shoot conservatively to last...

(12) Dave Cockrum's X-men Freak Out. That man had talent.
H.T.: Sean.

(13) A crafty raccoon makes an acquisition...

(14) Finally, here's an interview with the guy that created Solitaire for Windows. Blessed are the timewasters

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for including me in the list!

5/27/2008 5:57 PM  
Blogger Darrell said...

Some of those kids-drawings brought to live just kill me. My favorite is the one with the five young women, the broken egg and the TV set.

6/01/2008 12:35 PM  

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