
Phantasmic Links 12.10.07

My brain got a workout this weekend. First, I managed to follow the nonlinear storytelling of Holes, and figure out how various flashbacks tied in to the story set in the present. Highly recommended. Then, good news everyone! Futurama's back, and once again I was challenged to keep track of stories in different time periods. I won't give too much away, but when I watched it again with commentary I really appreciated the continuity with events depicted during the regular series. One of the bonus features was a lecture from a math professor, who pointed out a lot of things this nerd missed. Apparently there are two distinct, math-based alien languages on the show. Over the years, hardcore fans have actually translated everything from billboards to graffiti, all of which had actual meaning. Apparently, I'm not as big a nerd as I think, or perhaps I'm just a lazy one. Or maybe my nerdly powers are focused in other areas, such as this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

(1) Rate Your Doc allows you to judge a variety of health care professionals who bear no resemblance whatsoever to the cast of one of my favorite unconventional sitcoms. I love what internet has done for television.

(2) 101 Christmas Videos gather on one page to help us celebrate the holidays. Did they really celebrate Christmas on Eternia?
Hat Tip: Darrell.

(3) Let's keep the holiday going...ghetto style.

H.T.: B13

(4) I know as well as anyone in my field the care that goes into making any product look as appealing as possible in advertising. If you enjoy fast food though, you might not want to compare the ads to the reality.

(5) I usually pace myself with one beer, occasionally two, not just because I'm usually driving at some point, but because I'm a lightweight and have a history of singing, dancing, and other embarrassing alcohol-induced behavior. What would happen if I had a new 48 Proof beer? The next time I'm not driving, maybe I'll find out.

(6) The Washlet is probably a really good product, so disregard my immature snickering at the musical graphics on the opening page, or sincere demo videos. It is a really well designed site, though.

(7) Tetrical is just the old favorite it sounds like, only in three dimensions. There goes the remainder of the unwasted portion of my life.

(8) 50 simple answers in sketch form prove that the questions weren't that complicated.

(9) Fire-based villains beware! The Human Water Fountain is here! There's no telling what would happen if he joined forces with Bongo Man...
H.T.: B13

(10) Cirsplosion is another way to expand your brain, by expanding a circle to capture other bouncing circles before they hit your expanding circle. It makes more sense and devours more time once you start playing.

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Blogger b13 said...

4) I'll take a number 3 please.

5) at a hundred bucks a bottle, what do you say we split one?

6) You do know how to make my day complete.


12/10/2007 1:02 AM  

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