
Phantasmic Links 12.3.07

It's the crazy time, the time when people exude selfishness and impatience. Backing up in a parking lot on Saturday morning once I saw there were no cars, I suddenly noticed one speeding down the lot toward me. Were I in the other car, I would have slowed down and waited upon seeing a car pulling out of a space. Without slowing down, this lady instead veered around my rear bumper and kept going. Lucky for her no one was coming the other way.

On Sunday, church was a madhouse. Besides the fact that many Catholics remember their faith and start coming to mass in December, inclement weather had everyone going to the same mass once snow was cleared off cars. When it came time to receive communion, people completely ignored the young usher, getting up whenever they felt like it instead of waiting for him to wave them out into the aisle in an orderly fashion. The kid spun helplessly a few times as people pushed him, and people in the rows behind us were already on their feet by the time it was our turn to stand. Everybody is in a hurry with no regard for anyone else. Happy holidays, indeed.

Let's forget about the worst aspects of human nature, shall we? Instead, click on some of this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

(1) Hey, is that Denzel? Even better, he's not alone...
Hat Tip: Darrell

(2) Beware....the Pug from Hell!
H.T.: B13

(3) Whoa. This 13-part Final Fantasy Retrospective is, in a word, fantastic. FF VII introduced me to the series, and remains one of my all-time favorite games.
H.T.: Rey

(4) Speaking of RPGs, I discovered Telepath RPG 2 this weekend. As my character levels up and the story unfolds, a mild diversion is becoming a new obsession.

(5) And in other gaming news, Activision merges with Blizzard. I can't wait to see what that partnership yields.

(6) What happens when you photograph meat really close? I stopped after the third one, because I don't want to become a vegetarian.

(7) In Zeba, control a little blue dragon and destroy stuff. It sounds simple, but in some cases you'll need to move obstacles and destroy them in order, as your blasts are limited and don't work on every object.

(8) This is awesome: On Crash Bonsai, wrecked model cars are photographed next to bonsai trees. That's definitely a better application of macrophotography than that meat link.

(9) I have to say, Heath Ledger looks suitably twisted as The Joker. It looks like this new franchise is still on track.
H.T.: Darrell

(10) In related news, check out all the Viral Dark Knight sites that have sprung up.
H.T.: Sean.

(11) Finally, is the Cloverfield creature revealed in the clouds of the movie poster?

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Blogger SwanShadow said...

Heath Ledger as the Joker: "I wish I knew how to quit you, Caped Crusader."

12/03/2007 6:26 PM  
Blogger Lorna said...

The Cloverfield monster looks a little like a Cloverleaf salmon on steroids.

12/03/2007 11:18 PM  

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