
Phantasmic Links 11.26.07

I was productive on the last day of my vacation. On Sunday I went to church, raked leaves with my dad for nearly an hour, went to the beach, took pictures, watched Jacob's Ladder(awesome) and Day Zero(great performances), listened to an audio play of The Mist(thanks B13!), took a nap, enjoyed the latest episodes of The Simpsons and Family Guy, did laundry, filled out my benefits reenrollment forms for 2008, and collected this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

(1) If I ever get married, I'm totally stealing this first dance. Classic.

(2) The world's most lopsided building is this German church. I spent eight hours last weekend sorting out stacks of books that had taken up a corner of our living room for months. If I left them where they were, I might have gotten a similar record.
Hat Tip: Darrell.

(3) Chain Factor resembles other games, but is quite unique. Drop disks numbered 1 through 7 into the playing field. When the number of discs in a row or column reach a certain number, all discs with that number disappear. With various special abilities and three modes of play, you'll lose hours.

(4) The Honda Puyo is made of a gel body which protects pedestrians. I can see the ads now: “OH NO! You just hit that guy!”/”It's cool; we're totally gellin'...”

(5) Enjoy an animated medley of classic video games as the notes form the graphics. Beautiful.

(6) Is time real? The article might make your brain hurt, but in simpler terms it reminds me of a Spaceballs quote: “When will then be now?”/”Soon.”

(7) Wizard wields the Top Fifty Fictional Weapons. I would have rated a few much higher on the list--notably #'s 11 and 27 would have been in my top 10--but I like that they list which ones are available for purchase, at least in replica form.

(8) Foodpairing is a tasty reference that breaks out which flavors complement one another.

(9) In Lambchop Drop, control a skydiving and charitable sheep and collect as many stars as possible.

(10) Need to chill out? Here are fifteen tracks to soothe the savage soul.

(11) Finally, meet Britain's Mr. Inappropriate. One of my buddies turns into Mr. Inappropriate when he's drunk; I didn't realize the character was international.

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Blogger b13 said...

I love phantasmic links! And that last guy ain't got nothing on our buddy.

11/26/2007 12:28 AM  

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