
Phantasmic Links 11.27.06

Can there be too much of a good thing? After five days off from work, I hope I can remember how to do my job when I finally return on Tuesday. It seems like an eternity, and my brain has picked up cobwebs from a state of relaxation I'm not accustomed to. For example, Friday I drove to the beach, surrounded by families with the same idea on such a nice day. I leaned back in my seat reading a book, and at one point rested my eyes for a “moment.” I felt cold when I opened them and continued reading, and after a few minutes, I sat up and looked around. I was the only car in the parking lot. Everyone else had vanished, and I was surrounded by hundreds of seagulls standing on one leg, facing the setting sun. I slowly drove away through the crowd, who were reluctant to move and took the least amount of steps needed to clear a path, glaring at me all the way. It was like wandering into the territory of a rival gang.

Yes, a vacation can be surreal at times, as days and hours become indistinguishable. It's good to have some routine, if only to forge chronological landmarks. If it's the beginning of a new week, then I must be posting this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

If you're a fan of the Cheat Commandos like I am, you might appreciate their Thanksgiving special.

Can you help Michael Scofield make a Prison Break? I'm horrible at these stealth games.

Midnight Zamboni rocks!

Lost loose ends or impatient fans? You decide. Hat tip to Otis.

These ant portraits are super macro!

Be glad it's not you in any of these embarrassing television moments, unless of course some of my readers are in any of those videos....

Exercise creativity and get in on the fun of Rey's story hopping today!

Can't make up your mind about something? Maybe you're having a disagreement with a friend? I say the best thing to do is let Tekken decide! It's hours of fun if you suffer the same personality quirks as me!

Photographers should note the difference when you take a photo with flash.

This new Office Space looks terrifying. Let the man have his stapler!

Post-its live!

The biggest mobile machine in the world eats bulldozers for breakfast. That may be the coolest machine I've seen outside of animation and science fiction.

This is a rocking good use for an NES. I'm keeping mine intact, but that still looks hot.

Weboggle will boggle your mind. I personally couldn't find words longer than three letters playing on a 4x4 board, so I gave up and went back to playing that stealth game.

Of course, I could also enjoy flash remakes of ‘80s games instead. Thanks go to J-No!

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Blogger Jerry Novick said...

That Lost Top 50 link is as long as a novel, but a definite must-read for fans of the show, and a great primer to bridge the gap until the series returns in February!

Oh, and please put a warning on the Tekken link, something about not having a beverage in your hand or a full bladder when watching it...

11/27/2006 11:07 AM  
Blogger cube said...

The Weboggle is addictive!

11/27/2006 11:26 AM  

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