
Phantasmic Links 7.31.05

By now, I imagine quite a few native New Yorkers and tourists are enjoying photographs they took of themselves with a small Italian band. We also met some character actor from some movie I haven't seen yet. Man, people from Brooklyn LOVE Tony Danza. All I know is that while a four hour procession may go by quickly, four hours of walking back and forth on the same two blocks of Mulberry Street can seem like an eternity. Between expressway traffic and complications with subway construction, it was a very long day, and it felt good to finally eat dinner after having had nothing but half a bottle of water over the course of nine hours. It's time for me to summon the last scraps of energy I have, and gather together this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

Will Flip-out make you flip out?

I'm never moving to Florida.

If I were to have my own superhero car, I think it would be something like this. Then maybe I could take on alligators...

Turn your PC into a Mac-- you KNOW you want to!

This is the perfect ride for those looking to shake things up.

Earlier this week, Janet posed the question “How did your blog get its name?” It's a great question, and I'd love to hear my readers' answers.

Do you like Mashups like Beatallica? Sean at Swimming in Champaign links to a pretty cool one.

Water does wacky things in zero-G. Another hat tip to Sean.

Dosetaker posted some fun links from Orsinal. The games on this site capture peace and tranquility and nature so perfectly, it proves that games don't have to be about sniping and carjacking to be fun. The ones I enjoyed the most this week were The Way Home and Floats.

I really enjoyed this Revenge of the Sith translation, linked to by Kelly.

At last, the virtual album we've all been waiting for has arrived! This brings back memories, and reminds me how much Bea Arthur does indeed sound like Alex Rocco. If this hurts you, scroll back up to the Mashups to cleanse your audio palette.



Blogger Janet said...

Well, I would tell you how my blog got its name, but then again, you already know the answer to that question.:)

8/01/2005 9:03 PM  
Blogger MCF said...

Well sure, I've read the origin story, but you could have shared it here for my readers' benefit. Now they have to go look for themselves and--ah, marketing. Well played. =)

8/01/2005 10:00 PM  
Blogger Lorna said...

Mine (Lorna in Wonderland) is pretty obvious: as a newbie to blogging, I felt like there was a mad Red Queen around every corner, and maybe I'd been led there by a loony rabbit in a waistcoat. And songs to the contrary, it's my mind that's a wonderland.

8/01/2005 10:58 PM  

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